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7 Ways to Find Products to Sell on Amazon


As a seasoned expert in Amazon product research, we’ve helped numerous entrepreneurs like you turn their passions into profitable businesses. With our guidance, you’ll learn how to navigate the vast Amazon marketplace and uncover hidden gems that can catapult your sales to new heights.

By mastering the art of product research, you’ll gain the freedom to earn a steady income on your own terms—whether that’s from the comfort of your own home or a tropical beach. Our proven strategies have been refined through years of experience and expertise, ensuring you get the most accurate and up-to-date information to inform your business decisions.

If you’re struggling to find the perfect product idea or feeling overwhelmed by the sheer amount of options, don’t worry – you’re not alone! Our team has been in your shoes and has developed a step-by-step approach to product research that’s easy to follow and yields real results. Keep reading to discover the secrets of successful Amazon sellers and start building your own thriving online business today.

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Finding a Product to Sell on Amazon

When it comes to finding a profitable product to sell on Amazon, our experts recommend starting with a clear direction. Define your niche and product goals before diving into the sourcing process. With years of experience guiding entrepreneurs through this process, we’ve found that a strategic approach saves time and increases success rates. By leveraging our expertise and the right digital tools—including those offered by Amazon and third-party providers—you’ll be equipped to make data-driven decisions and stay ahead of the competition.

Through our research and guidance, you’ll develop the analytical skills needed to identify top-selling products and opportunities on Amazon. Our proven framework streamlines the market research process, ensuring you can confidently source products from wholesalers or manufacturers and start selling with ease.

In this article, we’ll break down the process into 7 actionable steps to help you find a great product to sell on Amazon and achieve success in the competitive e-commerce landscape.

Step 1: Use Helium 10 to Find Products

When it comes to finding a profitable product to sell on Amazon, the right tools can make all the difference. Helium 10, a leading product research platform, offers a powerful solution to streamline your search process. With Helium 10’s expertise in Amazon product research, you can trust that you’re getting the best insights to inform your business decisions.

To begin, download the Helium 10 Chrome Extension, a game-changer for Amazon sellers like Kimberly Mcintyre, who use the tool for invaluable research. Here’s how to harness its power:

Product results screen

1). Discover Your Winning Product: Head to Amazon and search for a product that sparks your interest. This will take you to the product results screen, where the magic begins.

Helium 10 icon

2). Unleash the Chrome Extension: Click the blue Helium 10 icon in the upper right corner to open the extension. This will give you access to a suite of product research tools designed to help you make informed decisions.


3). Use the Xray feature to reveal a list of sellers offering your desired product, along with crucial metrics like average revenue, price, reviews, and more. By analyzing this data, you’ll be able to determine if the product is worth selling, saving you time and effort in the long run.

Step 2: Discover a Market Gap

Identifying a market gap is a crucial step in finding a profitable product to sell on Amazon. With Helium 10’s Chrome Extension, you can effortlessly uncover high-demand products with relatively low competition. This powerful tool helps you stay ahead of the competition and find opportunities that others may miss.

Men's shirt results

To illustrate this concept, let’s consider a simple example. Searching for “men’s shirt” on Amazon yields over 60,000 results, making it a highly competitive space. However, narrowing it down to “men’s red plaid shirt” reduces the competition to around 1,000 results. This demonstrates how targeting a specific niche can increase your chances of success.

Men's red plaid shirt results

But that’s not all—you can also uncover market gaps by listening to customer feedback. By analyzing reviews and ratings, you can identify areas where customers are dissatisfied with current products. This presents an opportunity to create a better solution, addressing the concerns and needs of your target audience. By doing so, you can differentiate yourself from existing sellers and establish a strong foothold in the market.

Step 3: Take Advantage of SEO Keywords

To tap into Amazon’s vast customer base, you need to speak their language. That’s where SEO keywords come in. By identifying high-traffic keywords, you can optimize your product listings and attract more buyers. At Helium 10, our expertise in Amazon product research has shown us the importance of keyword optimization in driving sales.

We’ve developed two powerful tools to help you dominate Amazon’s search rankings:

Magnet: Unlock Thousands of Relevant Keywords

Reveal high-volume and highly relevant Amazon keywords in seconds with Magnet. This game-changing tool collects thousands of terms to boost your product listing and outpace competitors. Our users have seen significant sales increases by leveraging Magnet’s insights.

Cerebro: Outsmart Your Competition

Turn the tables on your competitors with Cerebro, our keyword intelligence tool. Easily identify and adopt their most effective keywords to outrank them in search results. With Cerebro, you’ll be equipped to make data-driven decisions and stay ahead of the competition.

Step 4: Focus on Low-Competition Products

When exploring popular products on Amazon, it’s easy to get lost in a sea of competition. With thousands of search results, standing out can seem like an uphill battle. However, Helium 10’s advanced tools can help you uncover niche opportunities within larger markets, increasing your product’s visibility and attractiveness to potential buyers. By targeting specific, low-competition keywords, you can tap into a more focused customer base, eager to find exactly what they’re looking for.

water bottle

For instance, a simple search for “water bottle” yields over 50,000 results, making it a challenging market to penetrate.

metal water bottle

But, by using Helium 10’s keyword optimization features, you can discover a more targeted opportunity like “metal water bottle,” with only 6,000 results. This strategic approach enables you to rise above the competition and get your product in front of motivated buyers.

Step 5: Check out the Amazon Best Seller Page

To stay ahead of the competition, it’s crucial to identify top-selling products on Amazon. Our experts recommend leveraging the Amazon Best Sellers Page, a go-to resource for finding profitable products. Here’s how to make the most of it:

  • Start by navigating to the Amazon Best Sellers Page, conveniently located under ‘All’ in the top left corner of your screen
  • Dive into a category that sparks your interest and filter down to sub-categories for a more focused search
  • Use Helium 10’s Xray tool to separate the winners from the losers and curate a list of products with real profit potential

But remember, Amazon’s best-seller list is a moving target, with products rising and falling in popularity. To stay ahead of the game, you need to look beyond the surface level. That’s where Helium 10’s advanced tools come in—providing a 360-degree view of sales trends and competition levels. By combining these insights, you’ll be empowered to make informed sourcing decisions and stay one step ahead of the competition.

Step 6: Utilize Social Media

Tap into the pulse of trending products and inspire your next Amazon bestseller. Social media is the secret sauce that many top sellers use to discover in-demand products, create their own branded versions, and drive sales. Here’s how you can harness its potential:

  • Trendspotting: Dive into social media’s trending topics to uncover hidden gems and popular products.
  • Idea Ignition: Spark inspiration from trending topics and add them to your product ideas list.
  • Demand Validation: Cross-check trending products on Amazon to gauge interest and potential sales.
  • Competitive Edge: Stay ahead of the competition by leveraging social media insights to increase sales and boost visibility.

While social media isn’t the only way to generate product ideas, it’s a game-changer worth exploring. By tapping into trending products, you can elevate your Amazon brand to new heights, increasing sales and visibility while potentially becoming the sole or largest provider of a popular product—a rare and exciting opportunity that can set you apart from the competition.

Exercise gloves BSR

Step 7: Find Product Categories with Multiple Best Seller Ranks (BSR)

In the realm of Amazon sales, Best Sellers Rank (BSR) is more than just a number—it’s a treasure map revealing the platform’s most coveted products. By deciphering BSR trends, savvy sellers can unearth lucrative niches and stay ahead of the competition. At Helium 10, we’ve mastered the art of BSR analysis, empowering our users to make data-driven decisions.

Consider the fitness market, where a single “exercise band” behemoth might seem insurmountable. However, our research reveals a more tantalizing opportunity in “exercise gloves,” where multiple products boast high BSR. This subtle distinction signals a more level playing field, ripe for newcomers to capitalize on.

By grasping the nuances of BSR dynamics, you’ll gain a competitive edge in the ever-evolving Amazon landscape. 
Join the ranks of successful sellers who have cracked the BSR code and watch your sales soar by signing up with Helium 10 today!

Find Amazon FBA Products to Sell

To succeed in the dynamic Amazon FBA landscape, you need to pinpoint products that harmonize demand, competition, and profitability. Our team of e-commerce experts has deciphered the success formula of top-performing products, revealing seven crucial characteristics to guide your search:

  1. Sustained Demand: Focus on high-demand products with a consistent sales history, boasting at least 300 monthly sales (approximately 10 daily sales), to ensure a stable market foundation.
  1. Blue Ocean Niches: Identify products with limited seller competition, creating a window of opportunity for your brand to establish dominance and increase sales potential.
  1. Emerging Trends: Target products with a review count below 400, indicating a nascent market with room for growth and a chance to establish your brand as a thought leader.
  1. Logistical Advantages: Opt for products that are lightweight (under 5 lb) and compact (smaller than 18”x14”x8”), minimizing storage and shipping costs, and maximizing your profit margins while streamlining your fulfillment process.
  1. Price Optimization: Find the sweet spot between profitability and customer appeal by positioning products in the $10-$70 price range, where demand and margins converge.
  1. Multiplier Effect: Identify products with a 4x markup potential, where the sourcing cost is approximately 25% of the competitive sales price, amplifying your profit potential.
  1. Evergreen Essentials: Focus on everyday products that cater to consistent customer needs, ensuring a steady demand stream and a stable sales foundation.

By embracing these seven pillars, you’ll be empowered to navigate the Amazon landscape with confidence and precision, uncovering opportunities that fuel growth and profitability. However, remember that success is a journey, not a destination. It’s crucial to remain adaptable, continuously experimenting and refining your approach to unlock the perfect harmony for your unique business needs.


As you refine your product selection, remember that Amazon success is a marathon, not a sprint. Helium 10’s advanced tools, like Black Box, are your secret weapon, empowering you to uncover hidden gems, outmaneuver the competition, and launch a private label brand that thrives. By harnessing our expertise and technology, you’ll navigate the ever-changing e-commerce landscape with confidence, making data-driven decisions that drive results.

And, by setting up your Amazon seller account in advance, you’ll be poised to launch your private label brand seamlessly, turning your vision into a victorious reality. Join the ranks of Helium 10’s success stories, and start writing your own chapter in the world of e-commerce triumph.


Frequently Asked Questions

To quickly find items to resell on Amazon using retail arbitrage, visit brick-and-mortar stores like Walmart and Target. For online arbitrage, eBay and Etsy are great, although any e-commerce store will work, too.

While there are many different types of products you should sell on Amazon, some of the top ones are electronics, sports, fitness equipment, clothing & jewelry, and home office furniture.

Many best-selling Amazon products all share three distinct qualities: they’re low-priced, frequently bought over and over again, and are evergreen (they are popular all year long).


A dedicated copywriter with nearly 4 years of experience, Josh works with Amazon sellers and helps his clients succeed on the platform.

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