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Free Amazon Seller Tools

Free Amazon Seller Tools

Access powerful keyword research, advertising, and marketing tools without paying a cent.

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  • Free Amazon Keyword Tool

    Find Keyword Opportunities

    Maximize incoming traffic with effective Amazon SEO functionalities. Input a seed keyword or ASIN to uncover thousands of competitive and relevant search terms in seconds.
    Learn More
  • Free Amazon PPC Audit Tool

    Find Keyword Opportunities

    Tap into the power of Adtomic to get a fast, free evaluation of your PPC campaigns. Streamline your ad strategy with five important performance indicators.
    Learn More
  • Free Chrome Extension for Amazon FBA Sellers

    Analyze Amazon Data

    Every research tool you need in one convenient place. Leverage powerful research capabilities directly from your browser to analyze product viability and maximize your selling opportunities.
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    Free Chrome Extension
  • Free Amazon Anomaly Tracker

    Track Ranking Anomalies

    Discover whether your listing is being affected by a glitch on Amazon. Understand the problem in order to quickly remedy the anomaly.
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  • Free Amazon Sales Estimator

    Amazon Sales Estimator

    Quickly predict average monthly sales volume across multiple Amazon categories!
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  • Best Selling Products on Amazon (Free Tool)

    Amazon Trending Products

    Instantly see the top sellers in any Amazon category!
    Learn More
  • Free Amazon & Walmart URL Builder/Generator

    URLs for Search Engines

    Drive external traffic to your listing to boost your product sales!
    Learn More


Helium 10 provides a number of free tools to sellers, such as our Chrome Extension, an Amazon PPC audit tool, QR code generator, and an Amazon anomaly tracker.

The best free Amazon FBA tools are ones that make your life as a seller easier by streamlining parts of your operations. Helium 10’s Chrome Extension is one of the best in terms of functionality. It includes product specific data for: inventory levels, keywords that rank, demand analyzer, supplier finder, sales estimator, profitability calculator, review insights, and an ASIN grabber.

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Plans & Pricing

For every stage of your seller journey

Save up to 25% per month when billed annually.


$229$279 / mo


$79$99 / mo


$29$39 / mo


$229$279 / mo

Billed annually

Perfect for expert sellers looking to scale
Most Popular


$79$99 / mo

Billed annually

The must-have solution for your growing business


$29$39 / mo

Billed annually

The training and tools you need to get started
Black Box
Watch Video
Watch Video
Review Insights
Product Launchpad New Feature
Up to 2,000 ideas
Up to 2,000 ideas
Xray Keywords
5 Uses
Keyword Sales
Advanced Brand Analytics
AI Advertising New Feature
Rule-Based Automation
Keyword Recommendations
Ad Spend Limits
$5k/mo free | 2%
Freedom Ticket
Watch Video
Amazon PPC Academy
With Token Connected
Exit Ticket


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Start Using Helium 10’s Free Amazon Seller Tools Today!

If you’d like to try out our Free Amazon Seller tools for yourself, sign up to check it out today!

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The Details

The Best Free Amazon Seller Tools

If you’re not ready to dive headfirst into our Amazon sales tools, that’s alright. Some sellers like to try things out before they buy. We have a selection of free Amazon seller tools for those who want a taste of Helium 10 without a price tag or simply those who want a quick helping hand to their own, existing toolset.

Amazon PPC Audit

Our free Amazon PPC audit tool can help you reach your target ACoS in three easy steps:

  1. Upload your search term report from Seller Central
  2. Input your target ACoS
  3. Get results!

It’s that easy!

Amazon Chrome Extension

Our free chrome extension for Amazon sellers is by far the easiest way to browse the best selling products on Amazon, find out what the competition is doing right (or wrong), and leverage this data to inform your own product decisions. This Chrome extension is jam-packed with tools to validate your next product, such as:

  • Xray – Conducting keyword research and identifying critical sales data
  • Demand Analyzer – Identifying which products have the biggest selling potential based on current market demand
  • Supplier Finder – Browsing directly through to find products to sell through Amazon FBA
  • Sales Estimator – Gathering current monthly sales estimates based on product Best Sellers Rank (BSR)
  • Profitability Calculator – Running calculations of FBA fees, product dimensions, and shipping costs to gain a high-level overview of your potential profit margins
  • Review Insights – Learning the strengths and weaknesses of the product
  • Inventory Levels – Keeping an eye on how much stock your competition currently has

Anomaly Tracker

As rare as they are, Amazon ranking “glitches” do happen. If you’ve ever seen your product consistently ranking at the top of results and immediately experience a sudden drop-off for seemingly no reason, you may have already experienced this. Using our proprietary database and algorithms, our Amazon Anomaly Tracker was developed specifically to detect these abnormalities that affect your indexing. Get updated daily with reports of any sitewide indexing interruptions and learn from past anomalies from up to two years prior. Your Amazon keyword rankings directly affect your ability to sell your product – it’s critical that you know the difference between a keyword problem and an Amazon problem!