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#540 – Keyword Research With Amazon Product Opportunity Explorer & Helium 10

Join us as we explore the intricate art of keyword research with Jason Mclellan, the mastermind behind Vitacup’s impressive $20 million e-commerce achievement. This episode is a great resource for anyone looking to enhance their Amazon selling skills, where we unravel sophisticated strategies to optimize your Amazon product’s online presence. With tools like Helium 10, Amazon’s Brand Analytics, and Product Opportunity Explorer at our disposal, we dissect the methodologies that lead to keyword research excellence, pinpoint niche markets, and boost your brand’s visibility.

This is not just another chat about keywords—it’s an immersive experience of how big sellers operate their Amazon business. We navigate through the ever-changing landscape of consumer trends, driven by the influence of social media platforms like TikTok, to keep your listings fresh and relevant. Together with Jason, we dissect the strategies that make products rank for the keyword “extra shot coffee” stand out in a crowded space. It’s about refining, optimizing, and capturing the essence of what your customer is looking for, turning clicks into conversions, and conversions into Subscribe and Save loyal customers.

Wrapping up the conversation, we dive into actionable insights for harnessing the full potential of keyword strategies on Amazon and Walmart. It’s about more than just being seen—it’s about resonating with your audience. We share how to weave the benefits of your products into descriptions that speak directly to your niche and discuss the significant impact of organic search success on platforms like Amazon. So pour yourself a cup of Rapid Fire Protein Coffee, pull up a chair, and let’s unlock the secrets to catapulting your products to the top of the search results.

In episode 540 of the Serious Sellers Podcast, Bradley and Jason discuss:

  • 00:00 – Deep Dive Into Advanced Keyword Research
  • 00:50 – Keyword Research Strategies for E-Commerce Sellers 
  • 04:44 – Learning From Successful Amazon Sellers 
  • 06:45 – Product Research and Optimization Methodology
  • 07:20 – Product Refinement for Increased Sales 
  • 14:38 – Identifying Top Search Terms for Niche 
  • 20:37 – Understanding Product Placement Strategies
  • 22:57 – Amazon Keyword Strategy for Coffee Products
  • 24:26 – Amazon Seller Keyword Strategies Training
  • 28:56 – Advanced Keyword Research Strategies for Amazon
  • 34:52 – Top Keywords for Platinum Account Success
  • 40:33 – Keyword Research Strategy Discussion
  • 43:02 – Importance of High Search Volume Keywords
  • 44:27 – Optimizing Amazon Listing for Spanish Keywords


Bradley Sutton:

Today, we’re going to have an advanced deep dive into some of the top keyword research strategies for 2024, including some strategies from a seller who does over $20 million on e-commerce per year. How cool is that? Pretty cool, I think. Did you know that just because you have a keyword in your listing, that does not mean that you are automatically guaranteed to be searchable or, as we say, indexed for that keyword? Well, how can you know what you are indexed for and not? You can actually use Helium 10’s Index Checker to check any keywords you want. For more information, go to Hello everybody and welcome to another episode of the Serious Sellers Podcast by Helium 10. I’m your host, Bradley Sutton and this is the show. It’s a completely BS free, unscripted, and unrehearsed, organic conversation about serious strategies for Serious Sellers of any level in the e-commerce world. We’re going to be talking today about Keyword Research. And just like last time, I’m not going to have a bunch of slides that I’m going to be showing. Basically, what we want to do is show you real life examples of how we have done keyword research for some of our products, how we would do keyword research in 2024, and not just in Helium 10, but also we’re going to be showing you some things for those who have brand registry and are able to access search query performance. Okay, we’re going to be showing you some things that even if you don’t have brand registry, a way you can find good keywords for your listing using something called product opportunity explore. Now, a couple of things just really quick. I want you guys to bookmark this one page. I want you guys to go to And that is our new Seller Connect Forum where you’re going to be able to interact with different helium 10 members in addition to our Facebook groups that we’ve already had, we’re going to have one where it’s right inside of Helium 10. Okay. And so we’ve got some information already there. I posted some blogs, but make sure to bookmark that guys. And I want you to regularly connect. So before we get started into, I want to go ahead and introduce a special guest that we had teased on today, a real live person who is going to show us his products and his keywords and his keyword research too. You know, how many of you Amazon sellers out there, if I ask you in the chat, what is your product? That’s how it is. People usually don’t want, the majority don’t wanna sell their product. Show their product. Today, we don’t have that. So Jason, go ahead and come on and let’s introduce Jason. He has been on the podcast before, but for those who haven’t met you Jason or haven’t seen your podcast episode, go ahead and introduce yourself, please, and brief history on Amazon and what company you work for.


Hi, my name is Jason McCallum. I’ve been with the last five years of the company called VitaCup. We are a vitamin and superfood -infused coffee and tea. We’re probably the number one functional coffee on Amazon right now, a wide variety of modalities. So, there’s just always keeping us busy between the K -Cup format, instant copy and ground. So I’ve been in this market space since the early 2000, starting off in eBay. So I’ve kind of seen the evolution of the place from eBay to Amazon and where we’re kind of going in the future with some other things that are developing on other marketplaces. And just… love online marketplaces.

Bradley Sutton:
All right, so I take his products too. Here’s his VitaCup Extra Shot. This is very important for the morning. So I am running a little bit on empty. So we are gonna test this now because I’ve stayed up most of last night and then this morning, like I said, did back to back webinars. So I am actually taking this product and we are going to go ahead and I’m going to be drinking it live right here. First of all, stir it. Hold on. This is one of my tests for if products are good or not, like how easy it is to open this. How am I supposed to open this there? Oh, look at that. Easy, easy, open, easy, open.


Much better than the other one you try..

Bradley Sutton:

Last year, I didn’t like how to open it. It was like impossible. And it’s sprayed all over my face. We won’t mention it.


And we’re changing it just for you. No one asked for. Just for you. Yeah, Just for you.

Bradley Sutton:

All right. So now I’m making my instant coffee and stirring it up. So again, like I said, the reason why I’m just going overboard here in this product is like I said, hey, Jason is somebody who has opened up his product and listings to us before. And although most Amazon sellers don’t want to do that, he is doing that. So we thank him. And now Jason, just as you know, you’re kind of a humble guy. So people won’t, you know it just by the way you talk. But what kind of gross revenue is your, is VitaCup doing on Amazon and Walmart, if you were to combine both of those marketplaces per year about?


Around 20 million.

Bradley Sutton:
About 20 million dollars, all right? So, you know, there might be a couple of people here on the call or on this call who do a little bit more, but I would say most of us, including myself, don’t, aren’t at that level. And that means we can probably learn a thing or two from Jason. Now, Jason does a lot of the same strategies, maybe that are common practice as far as finding new keywords for listings. But he also has got some unique things that he does as well on and off of Helium 10 on and off of Amazon. So I would like to I would like to go ahead and turn the stage a little bit over to you. What is the first keyword research strategy that you are going to help us? Give us the background first. Like, is this something that helps you find a product? Is it something that you already had the product and now you are like, all right, I got to find this, some keywords that are going to convert for me. Set up the stage here for this first one.


So great question. The first thing I’m going to start off with is product opportunity, explore something that’s been released for around the last four years. It’s been evolving. I really call it at this point, the Swiss army knife of Seller Central. There’s a wide variety of uses you can use for it. We look at it and research it for when we’re developing new functional blends and flavors. I try and keep my process simple. A lot of people you know the more complex you get, the harder it is. Starting with product opportunity explore, we’re researching and launching a new product. It’s great to see what the market potential is, what customers like, what they don’t like, sort of those keywords that are driving sales can start doing some research on what’s the average CPC projected for those. Is it going to be something that we think we can do some conquesting on keywords and how much is it going to cost and is it even worth it? We started hitting over X amount of dollars for keywords. It really is not that viable. So, and then we also use for refinement, and the example I’m going to show right now is we start off in product opportunity explore and we’re continually doing improvements and testing new things on our products and just how we go through and find those keywords and then the competing products on it we’re going to be using. We’ll use the extra shot coffee as example and then

Bradley Sutton:
What do you mean by refinement?


Because we’re continually refining your content and your images and we utilize the data to improve our images, which improves your conversion and increases your sales dramatically at this point, you got to consider 70, 80% of all Amazon shopping today is done via mobile experience. Your hero and your secondary images are actually more important than your product description, your bullet points and your A plus content at this point because of how everything’s delivered. I mean, if everyone has their phone there, you can pull it out and at some point you can get ready by the cup, extra shot K Cups and we can take a look at that as we’re going through and why. And so we’re utilizing the keywords. We’re pulling a product opportunity explorer and the keywords we’re pulling in refinement. We’re pulling out of Cerebro and we’re directly addressing the data that we learned from that into our images, not just our bullet points, not just our titles, and because of that we’re seeing a great conversion like extra shot. We just ran this through where we’ve seen it wasn’t one of our stronger performing products, but we’ve seen in the last 30 days we’ve seen basically doubling the sales on that my lead, my number one product. In my rolling 30 day sales average over the last two weeks I’m up 16% on sales because we applied the same methodology. You continually have to be updating content. New words enter the ecosystem, Amazon new consumer trends are going on. TikTok drives a lot of different trends depending on the categories you’re in, and that introduces a lot of search relevancy. People see things on TikTok or other social media forums. and they come to Amazon looking for it and necessarily you’re not just trying to compete for your own space, but when these new trends come on board, sometimes that product isn’t there and Amazon will see for those terms that your product is really relevant. And if you’ve been running for a while and you have some relevancy, you’ll start getting delivery. And if you have sharp titles, bullet points and images, your conversion will be great and you’ll continue to grow and accumulate on these new trends that are just kind of ancillary to what you’re doing. So we see a lot of growth in that. So we’re always just in a constant rotation of just testing out all content, all aspects, and then kind of refining and judging, through catalog performance, what your different points in the chain through click through to purchase, conversion, our improvements being made.

Bradley Sutton:

Now, a lot of your sales comes from subscribing, save and maybe certain things like sponsor display ads and a lot of other ways. Now, have you ever looked at search career performance for a week and looked at your brand’s overall search career performance attributed sales, which is very limited? As far as hey, it has to be from a search, it can’t be sponsored brand or sponsor display ad. They have to have clicked it, they have to have purchased it within 24 hours. Have you ever compared the amount of sales for a week that came through search career performance with your overall unit sales to see, like, hey, how much of your keywords or how much of your sales are coming from the normalized searches, which for some people it’s 15%, some people it’s 50%, some people more.


You know I haven’t broken it down that more when I generally start, because where I generally start to look at what branded searches and everything is what we’re running off Amazon. Amazon, there’s no like. Amazon actually is great, but if you use it for a while you understand that it’s not capturing the full thing. Or if you’re just doing, especially doing stuff on TikTok, it’s not capturing hardly any of it. So I track by week, by month on branded searches to see if there’s any spikes in overall, like wide a cup searched terms, and then we can start to correlate. And if there’s a spike in sales we can start correlating. It is what we’re running off traffic to educate the consumer about a particular blend or a particular product. Is that having a positive impact in customers coming back and searching for it? Because, as you’re saying, like you know, we’re running a lot of DSP, we’re on search display and so we have all these lovers we’re pulling. So we want consumers to touch our page, because we want to get them in the flow, because we want to acquire a new customer and move them to subscribe and save, and that’s the way you kind of take the approach on it. So first one is is you’re finding the niche in which your product exists, and so mine is looking at extra shot. I know it’s already strong coffee. You can search by ASIN and the ASIN will generally allow you to select it. So you pin your product ASIN and sometimes there’s enough affiliation. Where it can drive up.

So two niches under strong coffee is for the K-Cups and the high caffeine coffee. I’ve already been through both these. The keywords are kind of similar. We’re selling in a K-Cup format so I wanted to focus on that one Initially. You kind of can see the total search volume over the last three, 60 days, kind of how the product niche has been growing, the estimated unit sales on an annualized basis. What we’re starting to see more and more is really kind of interesting.

Is this return rate percentage. So for other, this is a consumable item and you’re not technically supposed to be even be able to return it, so it’s always going to be pretty low. But if you’re looking at researching products that you’re going to potentially get into, you can say, hey, does this statistically have a very high return rate, or does it have very low return rate? Because you’re going to want to build that into your business model for the product. It gives the price range and then the kind of that sweet spot, the average price. So you know, from a pricing point of view, when you’re thinking about pricing it, where do you fall in line? So we’re going to select strong coffee K-Cups and then just there’s such. They keep adding a wealth of information to this. What you’re going to see on the first tab for products is all the ASINs that make up 90% of the volume that are associated with this strong coffee K-Cups. The second portion is the search term. These are going to be your top search terms for the niche. So this is where you can come up with a search term. So you can come up with a search term, your top search terms for the niche. So this is where you can kind of start getting an understanding of 90% of the volume that has been driven by the volume that’s being driven by 90% of the search terms. So I tend to look at, what are the search terms that are non branded? so definitely, which I’d kind of ignore. But you know high caffeine, coffee, K-Cups. So everyone remember that term high caffeine, coffee, K-Cups, strong coffee K-Cups, extra caffeine coffee K-Cups, double caffeine coffee K-Cups, and then you start seeing some variations. So we’ve got strong coffee pods search less than strong coffee K-Cups, but still has relevancy. So you know that when people are coming to search they’re not always necessarily searching for K-Cups, but they’re also searching for coffee pods in some form or another High caffeine K-Cups, double caffeine K-Cups and etc. Also, it’s really interesting as you can use this as a tool to monitor how you’re performing within a product niche. So for this instance, if you’re interested in going after high caffeine coffee K-Cups, this need. All the niches are updated once a week, so over time you can start seeing am I making headway into being one of the number one top click product on it, which is Deathwish, the number two, which is a variety pack of high caffeine coffee pods, or the number three clicked on is Wake the Hell Up, dark Roast. Keep that in mind. Like these are your top keywords. This is where I start with. I get my top keywords and then I’ll eventually be going over Cerebro to find out what are those medium to low end keywords, and you’re also gonna see these. The beauty of Cerebro is when we run the top three, our product with the top two products in it, we’re gonna see a lot of the same keywords. It’s gonna give a lot of validity. This real data that we’re getting out of Amazon live, from the source, is being mirrored what’s coming out of Cerebro, and so it’s giving validity to Helium 10’s authenticity, to those lower and mid keywords. You can then trust the data that, hey, for long tail keywords, I’m gonna grab these and build them into the text. For just some organic ranking. I wanna run some long tail keyword strategies on my Amazon PPC. I wanna build some of this content into my images. The next thing I go through and I look for keywords customer sentiment is on Customer Review Insights. This is amazing. So what it does, it takes all these products and starts aggregating that. We’re on the product page. It starts aggregating the reviews together and looks for themes and looks for what consumers want. So the first one is aggregated haste. We can start seeing what customers are saying, and I love when I see things like just delicious, or the coffee is delicious. That tells me when we’re communicating to the end consumer, we have to be communicating in the text, in the imagery, in the bullet points, in the A plus content that it’s gonna be a delicious cup of coffee, so talks about flavor quality and we start smooth, so we start stripping this information out and that’s what we’re gonna use to help build. So in Cerebro what I do is I take my product extra shot plus two or three of the leading ASINs and I run it in Cerebro to get my top keywords.

Bradley Sutton:

And for those who aren’t familiar with Cerebro, what this is doing is it’s pulling up all the keywords where, in the last 30 days, any of these three products have shown up in the organic search results. They have shown up in sponsored search results or that, according to the Amazon algorithm, it suggests is relevant for the keywords, regardless if it’s in organic or ranking. And so you know there’s what? Oh my goodness, 24,000. 24,000.


So we don’t want yeah, that’s pretty Two of the keywords. So, honestly, one of my favorite like filters is just the quick top keywords filter that’s built into Cerebro, this, you know it at down to 83 filtered keywords. I do a little bit more refinement. I wanna exclude phrases like death, death wish, black rifle, pistachio and wake. For what I’m trying to do, regardless. This bumps it down to 59. So, and we’ll search by search volume, things that are gonna be important we have a shot of espresso in our, so the espresso K cups, that’s a great one. Blackout coffee I’m still trying to figure out how do you work out blackout within the text, cause blackout is a branded term, so utilizing it within blackout coffee Same as danger coffee. You’re picking up a lot of these things, but then you start seeing like hey, strong coffee, k cups, high caffeine coffee, dark magic I know dark roast is really important to this, so that dark magic is a blend and so on. So you know, I’ll go through and I’ll delete out the ones that I don’t like from this. I’ll pull these out and I’ll start using both these sets of data, to start building out what this should look like in as far as new content for both imagery and bullet points, and I-.

Bradley Sutton:

Now one cool thing. You know you might not have been looking at it, but just in this sense, guys, they’re the column on. You guys see on the very right hand side, a match type. This also kind of shows you where if we have seen one of these products doing other placements. You know I said that Cerebro’s showing keywords where you have shown up in organic results and sponsor results, but it’s not just those two. If they’re coming up in one of those widgets that says Amazon recommended, if you see something that says SBV, that means a Sponsored Brand video. So now you can know where your competitors are advertising in the video sections. Maybe the Sponsored Brand ad at the top, maybe if it comes up in highly recommended. So these are other ways where you can kind of look for holes in the market on the keyword side.

So right now Jason just showed us two ways. Hey, look at Product Opportunity Explorer. Look at which products are dominating the niche. Remember, like he said, Product Opportunity Explorer isn’t the products that make up 90% of the clicks and also the keywords that make up 90% of the clicks of that market. Here he can round out his strategy, using Cerebro to find other keywords that maybe aren’t part of that Product Opportunity Explorer niche, but the competitors are probably getting some sales here or there. Do you have anything else for us today, Jason?


Yeah, I could run through how we’re using manager experiments, where we popped it in that we’re running experiment now on this board.

Bradley Sutton:

Oh yeah, why don’t you show that to close things out, and then I’m gonna show some more strategies and then maybe we’ll bring it back here for some Q&A.


Right now we do take that details and we’re running on through manager experiments and anyone who is brand registry has the ability to access and manage experiments and you can run A-B testing on titles, bullet points, A plus content and images. So right now we’re running one for title and bullet points. As you can see, I totally just deconstructed my listing for this so you’ll notice I’ve started to put in high caffeine coffee pods. Espresso shot. Through some other research I saw not just espresso but espresso shot was very important. Dark roast, strong coffee, espresso powder once again because powder it’s a little bit different. People could have used espresso shot and espresso powder, but I saw, just because we had that included in it, there was actually some relevant high volume search relevancy on it. And then you start lacing some of these key words into your introduction double caffeine, strong, smooth and robust. We picked up on strong, smooth and robust dark roast all in like flavor profiles through product opportunity explorer. Customers were specifically using these keywords, so why not use them? They identify with them. It has meaning for them. Then we always have like a functional benefit to our. So we talk about our vitamin B12, there’s a sub niche called healthy coffee that we dominate. So I always like layering in healthy coffee, and then we talk about our pods. All this is going to be baked in. It’s going to start as we start driving advertising more and more focused on it, on these keywords. We’re doubling down to try and gain organic relevancy. Amazon will pick on it, our AI will pick up on it, and this is kind of the process we use.

Bradley Sutton:

Love it. All right, Jason, thank you so much for sharing that. I want it. Instead of just being like, oh, this is going to be a Helium 10 training where just Helium 10 employees are showing stuff, I want to show, hey, Jason is a real live Amazon seller with a real live product, and these are the strategies that he’s using to get ahead. You don’t just randomly achieve the success of making 20 million a year on Amazon and Walmart without some solid keyword strategies, and those are some of the things that he has. Now I want to show you guys some common and some also maybe off the wall keyword research strategies in the next 10 minutes and then we’ll open it up for Q&A. One of the things I want to show you and this I mentioned before some things you have to have a brand registry for the first thing that Jason was talking about Product Opportunity Explore. You don’t need brand registry for the thing that he showed about how to use the experiments with his manager experiments and showing the alternate kinds of titles and bullet points that had different keywords in it. You need brand registry for that. This next one I’m going to show you also requires brand registry and it’s because it’s utilizing brand analytics. Now I could do this inside of Amazon, but it’s much easier to do it inside of Helium 10, because I can search multiple weeks a lot faster. So let me go ahead and share my screen and while he was talking I just loaded up that search for one of the keywords yeah, strong coffee K cups. So I’m just going to take and look at VitaCup. Right here at the very top is advertising. Let’s say I’m not VitaCup and I’m just going to copy him and copy his ASIN, and I want to go ahead and see where he is, has been ranking or one of the top three clicked. All right, now. What I want everybody to do is, right now, go into Black Box inside of Helium 10. And then, if you have a Diamond account, all right. I don’t think it is available for Platinum just yet, hit this new tool called ABA top search terms. ABA stands for Amazon Brand Analytics and I’m going to be pasting in a few ASIN. So let’s go ahead and put that ASIN in here. Did I copy it? I must not have copied it. Oh, there, it is. Okay, I pasted it and let’s go ahead and take in the red alert coffee. This guy is selling about a thousand units a month and maybe a couple more ASIN’S here. Death wish, he was mentioning death wish, or there we got three ASIN’s from the top ones. All right, so now what I can do is I’m going to look, let’s just say, going to February 4 to February 10. I’m going to hit apply filters and now what is going to come up is where any one of these products was one of the top three clicked products for that keyword. Now, not that many keywords came up, only 17, because I only put in three. But imagine I could have put here maybe 20 or 30 products and then for any week or any month I can say hey, show me where these are these products. At least one of them was one of the top three clicked and I could say I want to see the ones where at least maybe one ASIN had more than 1% of the conversions, meaning that there’s got to be some conversions on there and theoretically, all keywords said have that, but there might be some like lower level keywords that have no conversion. Sure enough, there was one, because now there’s only 16 keywords left here. But look at this I am now looking at any keyword where at least one of these products is one of the top three clicked, and I could start going in deep here and seeing all right, what is the history of how this product, who are the top three clicked? Like, for example, look at this one protein coffee K cups. All right, protein coffee k cups is not a branded term, and so I’m looking at the Search Volume All right, 735. This is not that much search volume. Is this something that’s newer or is it trending? I personally have not seen this keyword before and I’m looking at the last year on Amazon and I could see that, hey, it’s actually gone up from like in the 200s and 300s and slowly it’s on the rise. So, right off the bat, you know this is not some crazy amazing keyword 735 searches but it’s on the upper trending. You know I’m probably one of the ones who’s trying to search for out because I’m looking for like hey, is it? Is there a chance to get some protein when I’m drinking coffee, you know? So I would keep looking at this keyword. Now I’m like all right, well, who has been some of the ones who are converting for this keyword? So I click the total click share chart in Helium 10 for the keyword. And now, if I’m looking on a month to month basis, I just put my mouse over and I could see who are the top three clicked products and are they similar to my product? Right, like, for example, look at here in the month of December, VitaCup Keto Coffee Pods was the top the sick, the third most clicked product. Now who is dominating, though? The rapid fire protein coffee. Right, they’ve got protein in their title of their product, so it’s no doubt that somebody searching this is actually a great example. I completely just by chance, found this is a perfect example of keyword research and how it’s important and how it actually kind of like will give you an idea about who’s going to be one of the best products here. Think of somebody who is actually typing in protein coffee, k cups. All right, I look at the search results and I see all three of these products this Corelatte one, the VitaCup Keto one and the Rapid Fire Protein one. But just the fact that in their title and the name it just so happens to be the name of the product is protein coffee, it’s going to get them a lot more clicks. And then, look at that. I don’t have to guess if it did or not. Look, amazon is telling me this product got 28% of the clicks right and total makes total sense. The VitaCup one is just a keto. One might give some protein but it only got 6% of the click. It’s still top three. But you can understand now all of a sudden why this product is dominating. So that means if I really wanted to dominate this product I might have to think I can just make up protein and say, oh yeah, my product is. You know, this extra shot. VitaCup is a protein coffee. If it’s not a protein coffee, that’s false advertising, right. But if I’m developing a product I really got to take that in consideration. Now this is how Keyword Research ties in even to your product development. Right, I’ve got to think about putting that keyword in my title if I want a chance at kind of like busting into this rapid fire proteins market share here. I can also see the history here on the right hand side about how organic and sponsored rank ties in to being one of the top three clicked. For example, this protein coffee in December, in January, in November, they, for this keyword, were not running any sponsored ads. Nowadays, you know, somebody might think you know you got to be running, you got to be having a high bid on this, on any keyword that you want to have a big sales, but for whatever reason, this protein coffee comes like nah, I’m good, I don’t need to do sponsored after this keyword because I’m dominating without it right Now. What about VitaCup? VitaCup here in December. This is pretty cool, guys. All right, this is exactly why combining Helium 10 data with Amazon data is so cool. VitaCup was one of the top three clicked ASIN’s, right. The number one clicked ASIN was this protein coffee. Rapid Fire All these brands are really great, right,Rapid Fire. And then you’re looking oh, no wonder they’re the top click ASIN. They were Organic Rank one. Now, if you were just looking on Cerebro, right, and you saw our Keyword Tracker and you saw that VitaCup Genius Coffee was ranked 12th, you might think, oh, there’s no way it’s one of the top three clicked because it’s kind of like towards the middle of page one. But this is one of the top three clicked and you don’t have to wonder why or how. Look at the sponsored rank average. So in December of this month, this variation family was showing up on average right there on the top. So you see how, in some situations, organic rank is all is all that’s needed, but if VitaCup was relying on their organic rank only to get clicks for this keyword, would they be one of the top three clicked? Absolutely not, because their organic rank is all the way down here, but they were able to be one of the top three clicked because of their high sponsored rank.

Bradley Sutton:
So this is, guys, this is like not your grandfather’s keyword research strategy we’re talking about today. This is like next, next, next level, where you’re going into seeing who are the top click to try and like, understand, buy your intent, and then now you’re reverse engineering the strategy with how these different companies were able to dominate this keyword. For this company, it’s a matter of hey, they named this product after this keyword. It’s in their title, right there at the beginning. They’re able to dominate this. For VitaCup, it’s completely opposite. Their path to being one of the top three clicked was through sponsored ads. So for every product there’s always going to be different strategies, but this is the once you guys are experienced sellers, this is kind of the level of keyword research you need to do. It’s not just hey, let me throw in an ASIN and a group of ASINs in a Cerebro. You obviously have to do that, exactly what Jason showed and find those 24,000 keywords and then whittle that down into what are the most important ones. But you also need to take a step farther and start using Product Opportunity Explorer and the Brand Analytics Data to kind of understand, well, what are companies doing after they find that keyword and how are they getting their sales. So that’s Brand Analytics. For anybody that has the Diamond plan, I highly recommend it. Now let’s say you’re on the newer side and you just have a Platinum account, which is totally fine. What is the easiest way to get the top keywords? Let me just show that. Let’s go back to that page that’s Coffin shelves. Where are we at More Coffin shelves? Where’s my coffee one? Here we go, all right. So I’m going to choose the top products on this page that I just want to go ahead and measure my success and my keywords versus them. Or maybe I’m just I don’t have my own coffee product yet and I want to know what are the top products here. And, by the way, you can still see there’s VitaCup still right there with their Genius Cup right there as one of the top three sponsored ranks, and this is kind of cool. I bet that Jason is actually spending slightly less than Deathwish Coffee and what is his wake the hell up Dark Roast, but he’s probably getting a very similar click-through rate. You don’t have to be position one or two on sponsored to be one of the top clicked or sponsored Dial back that spend, be the number three or number four and you’ll still get almost the same kind of click-through rate and clicks. Let’s go ahead and hit Red Alert. I got the Deathwish and I don’t want to do Pete’s. Let’s do community coffee, right. And then what I’m going to do is I’m going to hit run Cerebro. Now this is going to open up in Cerebro, kind of like just what he showed. Now I wasn’t paying attention to. If these products are all pods and if they’re definitely competitors I’m assuming they are. But you guys need to really take a closer look at who you are putting into Cerebro and make sure that you’re doing very similar competitors or that, like Jason was talking about, you’re pulling it from Product Opportunity Explorer and you know by definition they’re in the same niche. But I just picked four random ones just from the search results, but within seconds here, or a minute or so, I’m going to be able to get where all of these keywords or all of these products, the keywords that they are ranking for and that they’re doing sponsored ads. The very first thing that I’m going to do once this shows up is I’m going to hit the button top keyword right here, top keywords so everybody can do this anytime they run Cerebro, and basically what it’s doing is it’s like hey, where are most of these keywords are ranking for, or most of these products ranking for on these keywords very highly? And look at that. I came up with 24 keywords and a lot of these are branded. But, just like Jason showed, there’s a lot of non-branded keywords here as well, like, for example, high caffeine coffee cake. I’m almost positive. He literally found that in Product Opportunity Explorer and I guess randomly guys, this is the first time I’ve ever searched these things in my life. It just shows how Helium 10 is validated by the Amazon data. That exact keyword that he found is showing up right here Strong coffee. There’s the other keyword that he found that came up right here Protein coffee K cups. That’s the keyword that I had found just on my own that I put up here. So these are the top keywords. Another thing, though I like to do, this obviously, is going to just show tons and tons of branded ones. I like hitting this button Opportunity Keywords, because, instead of looking at the products or the keywords that everybody is ranking highly for, this button allows me to see, in seconds, products where only one or two of these competitors are ranking high and, by definition, of course, the majority of those are going to be branded. But every now and then I’m going to be able to see unique keywords that other competitors might not be able to see, they might not be paying attention to. Like here, instead of k cups, here’s a keyword that I didn’t realize. Some people are typing in kpods. Now why did this kpods keyword come up here? Let’s take a look at the Relative Rank here. All right, perfect, look at this. I don’t know who is who, but look at this Of these top competitors. Let’s say these guys are all kind of equal, competing with each other. Do you see where everybody is ranked here on this page? One of them is 78, one is 107, 241, 245. There is only one of these competitors getting sales from this keyword cake pods with no spaces, and they’re ranked on page one, position 12. What does that mean? That means that if I were to kind of like, do a campaign on this keyword. It potentially could be easier for me to rank for this because I’m not having to go up against all of my main competitors. So that’s why this button, guys, is a sleeping giant of a button right here.

Bradley Sutton:
Opportunity keywords let’s see if we can find any of the hidden gems in here that aren’t branded keywords. Let’s take a look here: Coffee pod, bulk k cups. Maybe some of these products think, well, we’re not really bulk so we don’t think we should put that in our listing. But there are some people, for one of these products at least, where they are heavily ranked for bulk k cups, even though they’re not really a bulk and they’re actually getting sales from it. So this is just another way to get some keywords that can help you. I want to give you guys some deep dive strategy sessions on keyword research. To kind of round out your on Amazon and off Amazon, your on Helium 10 and off Helium 10 strategy. So let me go pull up those episodes right now. We did a three-part keyword research series on Helium 10 a few months ago. That really is going to help you, in about three hours of time, get all of the keyword research tips that you need. So you guys got a pen handy, write this down. And the way you can find this is everybody, go ahead and pull out your phone. If you have an iPhone, type in podcast and open up the podcast app. Or Spotify if you have a Spotify and type in Serious Sellers Podcast, all right, type in serious sellers podcast, and then go ahead and hit subscribe. And then the ones I want you guys to look at are these three episodes here keyword research masterclass 100% free, doesn’t it? And you don’t have to be a Helium 10 member to listen to these. All right. Episode 506, 507, and 508. All right, so again, go to the podcast, Serious Sellers Podcast. Type in episode 506, 507, and 508. If you guys are more visual, it’s ,, and . If you go to those links you’ll go to a page where you can actually even see the video too of it. But either way, subscribe to the podcast and go to those episodes and maybe next time you’re on your treadmill or you’re taking a drive or a run, listen to those and then go back later to the video to kind of like have the overview. But what Jason gave and what I gave are maybe only like six or seven different research strategies. We have over 33 in those videos that will help round out your knowledge, and not everything is Helium 10. Half of them just have to do with Seller Central. Liz says I’m a newbie to Helium 10. I want to know where to start. All right, the podcast is a great way to start. If you don’t have your first product yet, product research is what you want to get into. I would go and go into Blackbox and look at hit the Learn button, Liz, and watch all the videos there. And definitely, if you’re brand new to Amazon altogether, don’t even go there first. Go into the Freedom Ticket, go into the Learning Hub. At the very top of your Helium 10 dashboard you’ll see a button called Learning Hub or Freedom Ticket. Hit that and start going through the training there. That’ll give you a good way to start. So, Jason, are you looking at what’s more important that, a high search volume or not a high search volume, a trending up search volume, kind of like that protein K Cup, or a keyword that already has like 3000 searches? Compared to that one only had 700 and thus has a lot more sales. Which one is more important for you?


It depends. So let’s if we take protein. We actually released a protein coffee slim protein coffee back in December. That’s because of the AI and the way Amazon runs broad and other campaigns, it started picking up on that search term. So it started delivering on Genius. Genius gets delivered on every new search term that gets in. It’s trying to find relevancy just beyond what other one product you’re carrying. So we developed slim protein coffee because we saw a high search increase on protein coffee in general, which was a trend off Amazon as well. So but I also have baked into our slim protein coffee high search terms such as instant coffee and some other ones. So it’s kind of a mixture of both. I always like high search term keywords built into titles and bullet points because it’s going to bake in some organic relevancy that it’s gonna be cheaper for me to try and build long-term. That it is versus advertising on.

Bradley Sutton:

Okay, excellent. Does Amazon auto translate keywords from different languages? One of my organic ranked keywords is Spanish, but I never added to my listening Great question, and the answer is yes. So in America and different countries, it’s different languages. In America, Spanish is the main second language that Amazon is on, and if you turn your Amazon browser into Spanish, it automatically translate your listening and then those keywords a lot of them you are already indexed for, and so sometimes, if it doesn’t, I highly recommend looking for organic keywords that you’re ranking for, and then what you might have to do is adjust your listing optimization, because the Amazon auto translator sometimes doesn’t use the exact phrases, and so you might not be that relevant to the Amazon algorithm, even though you’re indexed for it. So definitely look at what are the top Spanish keywords and then, if your translation is not good, talk to Amazon and see if you can get your translation updated with better keywords. Jason, thank you so much for joining us. Appreciate the extra shot I had today, and thanks to everybody for joining us today. Hope you guys enjoyed this session. We’ll see you guys next time. Bye-bye now. I’ll see you guys next time.

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Want to absolutely start crushing it on Amazon? Here are few carefully curated resources to get you started: 

  • Freedom Ticket: Taught by Amazon thought leader Kevin King, get A-Z Amazon strategies and techniques for establishing and solidifying your business. 
  • Helium 10: 30+ software tools to boost your entire sales pipeline from product research to customer communication and Amazon refund automation. Make running a successful Amazon or Walmart business easier with better data and insights. See what our customers have to say.
  • Helium 10 Chrome Extension: Verify your Amazon product idea and validate how lucrative it can be with over a dozen data metrics and profitability estimation. 
  • Trademarks are vital for protecting your Amazon brand from hijackers, and provides a streamlined process for helping you get one.
Director of Training & Chief Evangelist

Bradley is the Director of Training and Chief Evangelist for Helium 10 as well as the host of the most listened to podcast in the world for Amazon sellers, the Serious Sellers Podcast. He has been involved in e-commerce for over 20 years, and before joining Helium 10, launched over 400 products as a consultant for Amazon Sellers.

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