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Helium 10 Buzz 6/8/22: Sponsored Display Launches Matched Target Reporting

We’re back with another episode of the Weekly Buzz with Helium 10’s Brand Evangelist and Walmart expert, Carrie Miller. Every week, we cover the latest breaking news in the Amazon and E-commerce space, interview someone you need to hear from, and provide a training tip for the week.

Walmart just announced that the second-price auction for its product listing PPC ads is now live! The new system will allow advertisers to save money while increasing competitiveness.

Matched target reporting is now available for Sponsored Display vendors and sellers registered in Amazon Brand Registry. The matched target report gives visibility into which ASINs and their related product detail pages your ads appeared against and resulted in at least one click.

Online marketplace Etsy is launching a new Purchase Protection program for buyers and sellers on its platform, the company announced on Monday. Starting August 1, buyers on Etsy will be eligible to receive a full refund for purchases that don’t match the item description, arrive damaged, or don’t arrive at all.

We also welcome Helium 10’s VP of Strategy, Adam Shahbaz, to talk about updates and what to look forward to at the Sell and Scale Summit this September 19-22. You can get $100 off your ticket by using the code S3BS100 when you sign up!

Helium 10’s Chief Brand Evangelist, Bradley Sutton, closes out the episode by showing you how to use a new feature inside Listing Analyzer called Media Comparison, which will compare all your competitor’s listing photos and videos to help you decide what images and videos you should utilize in your listing.

In this episode of the Weekly Buzz, Carrie talks about:

  • 00:45 – Walmart’s Second Price Auction PPC Campaigns Now Live!
  • 01:48 – Sponsored Display Matched Targeting Report
  • 02:40 – Etsy Protection
  • 04:15 – New Exciting Updates For The Sell And Scale Summit
  • 10:30 – Listing Analyzer’s Media Comparison Feature
  • 15:35 – Join Us For Another Bigger.Better.Launch Webinar



Hello everyone. And welcome to another episode of Helium 10’s Weekly Buzz. My name is Carrie, and this is the show where we get you familiar with the latest news in the Amazon and the eCommerce space interview, people that you need to hear from, and provide a training tip of the week for serious sellers for any level of seller on Amazon Walmart in the eCommerce world. So let’s go ahead and start see what’s buzzing. Okay. So today we have some exciting news from Walmart that is some updates for their pay-per-click advertising. We also have a new update for Amazon pay-per-click advertising reports, and then we also have an update for Etsy. So let’s go ahead and get into it. So the first thing that I’m really excited about is this Walmart update. So the Walmart update is basically we’re moving from a first price auction to a second price auction.


So that means that before we’ve been paying the exact amount we’ve been bidding. So if you’re doing an auto campaign and you decide to bid $5, cuz you wanted to win those bids, well, you would actually pay $5 per click. So it actually made it a little bit more difficult. So now with second price auction, you can actually bid $5. And if the going rate of the, you know, the next highest bid is a $1.50, you’ll pay, you know, a $1.51. So it’s really exciting news. I’m really happy that they’ve made this change because I realized that I actually spent a lot of money cuz I wanted to raise my bid on the automatic campaigns. I spent a lot of money on keywords that necessarily shouldn’t really be that high of a bid.


So this is gonna save people a lot of money and I think it’s gonna be a great change and you’re gonna see a lot more success on Walmart for this reason. So I’m really curious to hear what you think about it. All right, and the next thing is Amazon actually released, sponsored display match targeted reporting. So this new report is available for vendors and also those who are Brand Registered. And with the release of this report, you can actually take a deeper dive and see exactly which product detail pages your ads are actually being displayed on, which you couldn’t see any of that before. So basically, it’s gonna give you a lot more visibility to where you’re actually getting the clicks.


So it’ll show you the product detail pages that you got at least one click on. So this is going to really help just focusing your pay-per-click ads quite a bit more, and help you just to understand how well you’re doing and what detail pages are the most successful for you within a niche. So that’s really exciting news. I think a lot, I heard a lot of buzz about it all over LinkedIn. So I know a lot of other sellers are really excited about that too. And the final thing is Etsy Purchase Protection. So this actually came about because of feedback from sellers and buyers, and what Etsy’s actually going to be doing is they’re actually going to be covering some different things, for example, when a seller sends a product to a buyer and maybe the product doesn’t ever arrive or arrives damage, and it’s all things that are out of the seller’s control, then Etsy might potentially pay up to $250 to cover that.


So that’s really actually very exciting because not only that on the reverse side if a buyer has something where, you know, the seller, isn’t helping them and they’re not getting any support and they ordered something, they paid a lot of money for it. They can actually get reimbursed as well. So it’s really, I think gonna be a really good thing for everyone to be able to just be protected and have more you know, just confidence in the whole process, not only on the seller side but on the buyer side. So Etsy’s actually going to be investing about 25 million a year into this program, which is amazing. I know they did hike up their prices in terms of their referral fees. And I know a lot of people were kind of upset about that, but maybe this could, you know, be beneficial and help to kind of cover that. So I’m really curious to see and hear what you all think. And next up we have a special guest and I’m pretty excited to talk with this person. This is Adam, our VP of strategy. So I’ll go ahead and welcome Adam. Hey Adam.


Hey Carrie, how’s it going?


Good. I’m excited to have you on and we’re gonna be talking about Sell and Scale Summit. So first of all, let’s go ahead and just get into it. And can you tell us a little bit about what Sell and Scale Summit is?


Sure. I’m so excited for this event. It is from September 19th through 22nd. We are taking over the Virgin hotel in Las Vegas and we are presenting the Sell and Scale Summit, which is here to bring you top-shelf keynotes unprecedented networking, and just amazing content for all different types of sellers. And we’re gonna have 2000 people there. It’s gonna be absolutely incredible. So can’t wait to see everybody


There. Yeah. I’m really excited for it. I saw a venue pictures and it’s just I’m getting excited every day. So why did Helium 10 decide to host Sell and Scale Summit? And how do you think it’s gonna be different from other conferences that are in the Amazon and e-commerce space?


Yeah. Great question. So, you know, this is a sort of highly anticipated event. People have been asking us about this for years. We took a look at the environment right now and it’s kind of tough out there right now for sellers, right? Things have changed like search, find, buy, went away. Logistics is really challenging right now. The price of containers is through the roof. So, you know, we’re always out looking for solutions for sellers, looking for ways to support them. And we thought this would be a really great year to put together some really forward thinking individuals get them on stage, help them share their knowledge with our community and also bring people together for networking so that they can basically help each other kind of get to that next level, whatever it may be. Right. So we’re always looking to help sellers crush it. And we think that Sell and Scale will be one more tool for that.


Yeah. I’m excited for the speaker lineup. I think it’s gonna be really exciting. And then Walmart, of course, since I’m the Walmart brand evangelist is gonna be there. I’m so excited about that too. They’re gonna be there helping sellers as well.


Absolutely. yeah, I didn’t even talk about our speaker lineup. Yeah. So, let me get into that. So check this out. We have some familiar faces like Kevin King and Bradley Sutton are gonna be there. Michael Lebhar, who’s been helping us a lot on the Walmart side are gonna be there. But we also have, you know folks like Destaney Wishon and Melissa Burdick who are PPC experts, and then keynoting the whole event is gonna be none other than Gary Vee. And we also have rap superstar, Nelly, who’s gonna perform for the Tuesday night party. So it’s gonna be absolute outta control.


Yeah. And I think a big thing is Walmart’s gonna be on site. Right. Can you tell a little bit about that? What are they gonna be doing to help sellers?


Sure. Yeah. So, absolutely. So Walmart’s gonna be a top sponsor of the event and not only are they there just, you know, talking about all the benefits of Walmart, but they’re actually gonna bring an onsite activation booth. So folks who are there, like interested in launching on Walmart, or maybe you want to talk to somebody there you can actually come to the event and talk to a person on site at their activation desk. They don’t do this anywhere else. So this is gonna be the only place where you can get that level of service and we’re thrilled to be bringing it to our sellers.


Yeah, I think that’s incredible. I’m so excited about that. So I think a lot of people have actually asked this of me, is this conference just for advanced sellers or is it for sellers of all levels?


That is a great question. So you know, I mentioned before it’s for sellers of all levels. But we know that depending on the level that you’re at, you’re gonna need different content and you also sort of just need a sort of different experience. So in addition to Gary Vee and you know, the broader keynotes that we’re bringing forward that are gonna help really motivate and inspire people we actually broke it out into three different tracks. So we have four to five foundations for success. That’s gonna be more nuts and bolts, meat, and potatoes you know, just sort of, not necessarily just for beginners, but anybody who wants to really hone up on their basics or maybe you can send your team to that. If you wanna sort of learn about any particular like, you know, product research, any sort of new things that are coming forward.


You can join that track. The next track up would be to strengthen your brand and smash your sales goals. And that’s gonna be more focused on, you know how to win in the new logistics environment. How to launch with PPC, how to manage to bring external traffic to Amazon, either through influencer marketing or maybe through Google or other off Amazon channels. And then beyond that, we have for our sort of tippy top of our sellers, we have scale dominate and exit, which is focused on, building enterprise value, managing teams honing your mindset and ultimately, how you can set your business up for a successful exit. And you know, so we’re gonna be focused on that side of it. And then lastly, in addition to all of that all those amazing tracks, we’re gonna have networking events that are targeted towards people who are at certain thresholds, right?


So we’ll have seven figure and eight figure seller meetups. So that way, if you want to learn from other folks who are sort of walking the walk or in your shoes you can do that. We’re gonna have ask me anything. So people like Kevin King and Rich Goldstein and folks like that, Mina Elias will be there. So those are gonna give people the opportunity to go and like really dig in, not just sort of listening to the content that they’re getting from speakers, but really dig in and have a conversation with experts and also with other sellers, it’s gonna be great.


That’s awesome. I love that. I really think that is pretty different just having those different tracks and really have something for everyone in a clear path for everyone. And it’s organized and organized networking. I’m really excited about all of that. That’s exciting to hear.


When we took a look at this event, we, we were thinking, you know, we want, we really wanted to bring sort of speakers that you can only get at at really like, sort of top shelf events. And we looked around and we were seeing these speakers are at these events, you’re paying, you know, $5,000 to get to these speakers. If you go actually to Instagram, which is Sell and Scale Summit, you can see a full list. I don’t want to just like drone on about all the speakers, but we have this like amazing list of speakers. It just goes on and on and on and on you can learn more about it there. So check ’em out on Instagram, Sell and Scale Summit. But yeah, so we looked at other events and, you know, they’re five, $6,000 for a ticket for a three day event. So we really wanted to bring like outstanding value. So we priced our tickets at $950. And it’s gonna stay at that low price until the end of June when it goes up just a little bit. So, you know, definitely act now and lock in your cheaper ticket.


Yeah. You don’t wanna miss out. So how do people get those tickets? Where should they go?


Yeah. So you can go to You can read more about the agenda, read about all the speakers, and then there’s a registration flow there. You can jump in and sign up and meals are included. There’s lots and lots of value there. So.


There’s so much value. I mean, the amount of just jam-packed information, that’s gonna be there in the speaker lineup. I’m excited. I’m so excited. I know a lot of people were holding off, even not going to Prosper, cuz they’re waiting for this because they know it’s gonna be so good. So I’m really excited and thank you so much for coming on and just telling us all of these great details. And I definitely wanna encourage everyone to go to cuz there’s so much more information on there and you’re just gonna be even more excited when you take a look at that and make sure to get your tickets. Thanks again for joining us, Adam. I really appreciate it and have a great day. All right. Okay. So next we actually have a tip of the week and this is actually something new that we’ve announced and it’s going to be something that’ll help you with deciding what images you should utilize in your listing. So let’s go ahead and take a look at it.

Bradley Sutton:

So the last video I showed you guys how to do some top-level analysis of multiple ASINs. And in this video, I’m gonna show you how to use this one brand new feature. It’s the newest feature that we have in the Listing Analyzer and it’s called Media Comparison. Let’s go ahead and hop right into it so you can see how to use it. All right. So I’m still on that same page that I had earlier of those six different collagen gummy bear products. And on the very top right here, you can see this button called Media Comparison. So let’s go ahead and click that and let’s see what comes up here. So what this is is it is getting all the thumbnails of all of the images and the videos that these products have. This is just super, super cool guys. We’ve been teaching you for years actually about how, when you’re doing your listing optimization, you need to be analyzing the niche themes.

Bradley Sutton:

And basically what that means is take a look at the top products look at each of their images and maybe copy and paste their images into Google Slides or a PowerPoint or something, and then lay it all out and then take a look at it. First of all, see what the theme is like, do you notice some trends on how they’re doing their images? Like do they use a certain kind of infographic or a certain kind of lifestyle image and then see what kind of themes that you can see come out. And then what you do is you give that to your graphic designer or to your photography team and say, Hey, this is the theme that’s working here in this niche. Now let’s go ahead and kind of build on this theme and just make it a little bit better.

Bradley Sutton:

Now, obviously, the way we taught it before was kind of a cumbersome task, right? Hey, go to each of these listings one by one, copy and paste these images and put it in a Google Slide, and then print it out, watch how easy Listing Analyzer made it. So here it came out altogether right here and I can right off the bat, see some themes. First of all, every single one of them is using 3d imagery for their main image and it shows the bottle, right? So that’s probably something that I would wanna do. Another thing that I see right here off the bat, again, every single one in one of their first few images, they have the supplement facts. You can see that here, here, here, and here. Another thing I see a lot of kind of infographic images that have a large text.

Bradley Sutton:

You can see every single one in the niche has that. Now, one of the unique things that I notice right off the bat by analyzing these images is every single one of these, except one, they all showed a picture or a video that shows somebody with their fingers holding one of these gummy bears, I guess like to show the different size, look at this, every single one or at least some of them, here’s another one that had it right here. So I might not have thought about that if I was making my own listing, but since like five out of the six ASINs here all showed that, well, they must have market research or feedback from customers that told them, Hey, this is important. People wanna know the relative size of these gummy bears. So having it contrasted in a hand would kind of make it a little bit easier for customers to picture what kind of size it is.

Bradley Sutton:

So that’s just like two or three minutes here. I was able to pick up on these trends on this niche theme. So this next step would print this all off and give it to my designer and then give them some direction based on what I found here. So guys, I cannot express how amazing this is. First of all, hats off to Tomer Rabinovich for three years ago, he’s the one who told us about this strategy that he’s been using with his clients. And that’s why we started teaching this strategy. And then we’re like, you know what, let’s make it a step easier. And instead of people having to do it one by one, they can go ahead and take this and just do it with a click of a button. And that’s really what we did, guys.

Bradley Sutton:

I just clicked that Media Comparison button and this popped up right away. So this is a great way to analyze the niche theme of your competitors, of a product that you’re looking to get into, or that you’re already into to make sure that, you know, what kind of image strategy is really working for the top competitors in your market or niche. So I hope you guys enjoyed this series of videos on Listing Analyzer. If you’d like to see some additional functions, make sure to let us know and submit your request. I know one thing that’s coming soon is soon there’s gonna be like a print to PDF button on this media page, so you can actually download it and then more easily give it to your designer. So hope you guys like this series of videos and we’ll see you in the next tool.


Yeah. So if you have not checked out the Listing Analyzer feature and tried that out, definitely go check that out. You will probably see some things that you can add and enhance your listing and could potentially help increase your sales. So definitely check that out. And the last thing that I wanted to talk about is I wanna let you know that we are having a Bigger, Better Launch webinar again this month and it is going to be as amazing or even better actually than last month we had. We have so many amazing launches last month. And in this month, we’re gonna talk about a lot of new features and product updates and things that you just definitely don’t wanna miss. It’s going to be incredible. So you’re gonna wanna sign up to go ahead and get information about that. And you can go to, and you can sign up and register for that webinar and you definitely don’t wanna miss it.


Okay. We got so much great feedback from the last webinar. So many people were excited. These are things that you can literally implement right away into your business and start utilizing. So the tool updates that we have, we’re, we’re doing our best to help sellers to increase your sales and just do anything that we can because we do know that it is a little bit of a challenging climate right now. So we’re doing whatever we can to help with these little improvements. And you’re gonna just see such a big improvement in your sales when you start implementing a lot of these things. So definitely join that webinar and join it live because there will be giveaways and it’s going to be incredible. So again, go to and sign up, and thank you all for joining. And I hope we can see you all in the next buzz. Have a great day.

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  • Freedom Ticket: Taught by Amazon thought leader Kevin King, get A-Z Amazon strategies and techniques for establishing and solidifying your business.
  • Helium 10: 30+ software tools to boost your entire sales pipeline from product research to customer communication and Amazon refund automation. Make running a successful Amazon or Walmart business easier with better data and insights. See what our customers have to say.
  • Helium 10 Chrome Extension: Verify your Amazon product idea and validate how lucrative it can be with over a dozen data metrics and profitability estimation.
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