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Helium 10 Buzz 2/23/24: Big Amazon Virtual Bundles Update | Walmart Sales Increase

We’re back with another episode of the Weekly Buzz with Helium 10’s Chief Brand Evangelist, Bradley Sutton. Every week, we cover the latest breaking news in the Amazon, Walmart, and E-commerce space, interview someone you need to hear from and provide a training tip for the week.

Walmart grows online sales in Q4, agrees to acquire Vizio

Advertise Audible titles with Sponsored Brands

Rev up your digital sales engine with the latest tools and techniques featured in this episode. We’re talking about Helium 10’s releasing a lot of new features in one week! Get the lowdown on enhancing your product visibility with Keyword Tracker’s new packs, and learn how to optimize your listings with the newly improved Listing Builder. And for those with an eye for analytics, we’ll guide you on customizing your product insights dashboard using tags for a laser-focused approach to product performance. Lastly, our training tip of the week features Carrie as she shows us how you can use groups inside the Helium 10 Insights Dashboard. It’s a powerhouse episode packed with insider tips and actionable strategies, so tune in and transform the way you navigate selling on Amazon and Walmart!

In this episode of the Weekly Buzz by Helium 10, Bradley covers:

  • 01:02 – Amazon Virtual Bundle Update
  • 04:34 – Walmart Sales Up
  • 06:22 – Audible Sponsored Brand
  • 07:23 – Follow Helium 10 On TikTok
  • 08:24 – New Feature Alerts
  • 08:44 – Keyword Tracker
  • 10:35 – Listing Builder
  • 12:03 – Custom Dashboard
  • 12:57 – All Marketplaces Button
  • 14:00 – Black Box for Amazon Brazil
  • 15:37 – Pro Training Tip: Insights Dashboard Groups Feature


Bradley Sutton:

Amazon makes virtual bundles extremely more valuable. Walmart releases latest sales report, the most released features from Helium 10 in a week for the whole year. This and more on today’s Weekly Buzz. How cool is that? Pretty cool, I think. Hello everybody, and welcome to another episode of the series sellers podcast by Helium 10. I am your host, Bradley Sutton, and this is the show that is our Helium 10 Weekly Buzz. We give you a rundown on all the goings on in the Amazon, Walmart, e-commerce world. We let you know what new features Helium 10 has released and we give you a training tip of the week that’ll give you serious strategies for serious sellers of any level in the e-commerce world. Let’s see what’s buzzing.

Bradley Sutton:

We actually have a pretty light week as far as news Like this is one of the lightest weeks I’ve seen in a long time. Like crazy, crazy. I’m not complaining, though. Hey, sometimes no news is good news, right, and actually let’s start off with some good news. There’s no like doom and gloom reports this week, but the first article I wanna talk about is actually not an article at all and what it is kind of a beta test that one of our Helium 10 elite members noticed is running, so you guys know about virtual bundles, right? You know historically this is how virtual bundles look Like. Here’s an algae cow product and then I’m just scrolling down a little bit and then right under the image you know, above where the sponsored ads go and even above where frequently brought together is, you’ll see this virtual bundle section where it shows other products on this brand. You know I’ve been saying for, oh my goodness, almost two years now about how I think anybody that has two products or more in a brand should be using Virtual Bundles. It’s completely free to use as far as there’s no pay per click and it takes up, as you can see here, historically, pretty big real estate but, however, it’s not something that a lot of people actually use to buy, like, you know, those who do virtual bundles. It’s not like, oh my goodness, it’s gonna increase your sales by 30% or anything like that, but it’s great to push your sponsored ads down and also, you know, take up some nice real estate and cross promote your products now in our Helium 10 Elite and Serious Sellers Facebook group.

Bradley Sutton:

One of our users, Elizabeth, who has been on this podcast before she noted how hey woke up this morning and Amazon has an update for the Virtual Bundles widget, right above the bullet points, showing it as a variation even of the main product. All right, so this is interesting. Take a look at how it looks on her screen the same exact product that I just showed you. You can see right here that it kind of shows as a bundle right here, right under where the variations are, right to the left of the buy box, and then if you mouse over it it actually shows what products this bundle has. Now that image I was just showing you guys a minute ago on my screen for the first one for the product that’s live on my computer. So obviously it’s not across the board yet, like where it’s universal, where Amazon is showing us, but I really hope that this is going to be something that’s permanent. All right, you know, sometimes Amazon does tests and we’re like yo, what in the world are you doing? You know I’ll go back to how it was, but this is one of those ones I’m hoping they push through On my cell phone, my mobile app of Amazon.

Bradley Sutton:

Take a look at how it looks. It’s actually kind of cool here. Let me go ahead and play this. I did a video here of how it looks on my cell phone, but you can see, here’s the image and there’s the variations, and then again, right under the variations and right before the Buy Box, you can totally see that there is the virtual bundles that are advertised right there Now on mobile, which is how most people buy these days. Right, this is even going to be more valuable. I mean, I don’t know if you guys saw on that screenshot there though, the very top of the listing, it had one of her Sponsored Brand Ads for one of her other products and it showed the main image of her product. It showed the variations and then the virtual bundles and then the Buy Box, like there was not a competitor listing anywhere in sight. So, man, again, here is to hoping that this is going to be something that happens across the board with virtual bundles. I think that will be very that’ll be pretty cool for sellers and, again, all the more reason that you guys need to be creating your Virtual Bundles.

Bradley Sutton:

Next article is from Digital Commerce 360. It’s entitled Walmart Grows Online Sales in Q4 Agrees to Acquire Visio. Walmart put out their report. They talk a lot about their regular sales, which only increased just a very slight bit, but Walmart US online sales grew 17% in Q4. And said global e-commerce sales actually grew 23%. Now another interesting part of this article they said, hey, e-commerce sales were led by continued strong growth and store fulfilled pickup and delivery. Over the last two years, store fulfilled delivery sales have nearly tripled and now we’re doing over $1 billion a month. All right, so again, that’s one of the kind of ways that Walmart is catching up with Amazon without having an extensive warehouse network like Amazon has and delivery drivers and things like that. They’ve got over 4,000 stores and a lot of these stores are the ones that are doing that final delivery. Now the article goes on to say that Walmart didn’t share specific information about the Walmart+ program as far as how many members it has, but it says it finished Q4 with a record Walmart+ membership penetration. The article also talks about how there’s over 400 million SKUs on Walmart’s marketplace now and a significant portion of sellers are using WFS Walmart fulfillment services. So again, we’ve been talking about this for years. Now, guys, if you’re not selling on Walmart yet, probably something to think about. It keeps increasing the marketplace there and as Walmart expands it’s Walmart+ offerings I think you’re gonna see more customers shopping on that platform.

Bradley Sutton:

Last article today is just something from Amazon and it’s about something we’ve never talked about in the show, probably doesn’t affect a lot of you, but just goes to show that you can pretty much advertise anything these days. So we’ve talked about having your own Kindle, direct, publishing books on Amazon, maybe merch by Amazon, things like that. Well, how many of you have Audible books? All right, so books that are for the Audible app that Amazon has, where you can listen to books, right? Well, guess what? If you make Amazon Audible books, you can now run sponsored brand ads to there in North America, Europe and Asia. So maybe it might be something I have to do and episode on in the future, or some training about how can you get on the Amazon Audible platform with a book, because now you can go ahead and advertise to it as well, whereas in the past only KDP and traditional books could have sponsored brand advertising. All right, that’s it for the news this week.

Bradley Sutton:

So one quick thing I want. I’m gonna do a little quick contest here. All right, guys? All right. As you guys know, we’ve talked about on this show, Helium 10 has a new TikTok channel. I wanna give you guys an opportunity to win a one-on-one call with me. Here’s your homework if you wanna qualify to at least be eligible to do it. All right, so go to our TikTok New page, right. It’s called helium10_software. There’s some fake accounts out there. Don’t click on helium underscore or helium10_software, all right. And then scroll down all the way towards the bottom of our feed. Once you get there and find my video when it says best Amazon ranking hack. I talk about something inside of helium 10. I want you to go ahead and watch that video and comment on it and say you’ve heard about this from the Weekly Buzz and Make sure to follow helium 10 as well and those who follow the helium 10 channel on there and who go ahead and comment on that video, or we’re gonna pick a random person to have a one-on-one call with me, all right, let’s hop into our new feature alerts of the week.

Bradley Sutton:

And there was not that much news on the Amazon side this week, but oh my goodness, we have released tons of things this week. A lot of them you guys ask for the first thing want to talk about real simple. A lot of you Definitely use Keyword Tracker, but then those of you who have tons and tons of of skews, you always ask a hey, I don’t have enough keywords to track. Well, if you don’t have enough keywords to track, don’t worry, you can now go ahead and go into your Keyword Tracker. At the very top of the page there’s this button that says need more keywords and you can now buy like packs of keywords that so that you can have more than whatever your plan has for Keyword Tracker. So that’s the first tool that we have. The next announcement that we have is actually I’m gonna go ahead and let Kevin King Do it himself. Kevin, take it away.

Kevin King:

Hey, what’s up everybody? Kevin King here, you know one of the number one questions I get is how can you connect to me? How can I, Kevin, get some advice or speak with you or learn more from you? The best way is with Helium 10 Elite. If you go to, you can get all the information. Sign up for Helium 10 Elite. Every month I lead train advanced training where I do 7 Ninja Hacks. We also have live masterminds and Every single week, one of those weeks, I jump on for a couple hours and we talk shop, we talk business, do in-person events. Helium 10 elite is where you want to be. It’s only $99 extra on your helium 10 membership. It’s Go check it out and I hope to see you there.

Bradley Sutton:

All right, guys. So don’t forget, Helium 10 Elite has tons of perks, you know. Kevin just mentioned some of them, so I highly recommend checking out the program as soon as you get into Elite, book a one-on-one call with me. If you don’t win that TikTok contest, you can book a one-on-one call with me or with Carrie or Shivali If you’re a Helium 10 Elite member. And that’s just one of the many, many different Perks there are of being a Helium 10 Elite member. Last week, we announced a new tool and Listing Builder for being able to see the score of how your listing kind of like stacks up compared to your competitors, to the Amazon algorithm for SEO, right? Um, a quick update to the tool once you get into Listing Builder. This is something that people Requested right away once we launched. This is we. We brought back the root keywords when it was, like in the old scribbles, we would tell you what individual keywords were in the phrases that you put in. Well, now we have the One word roots. So you click on one word roots. It’ll say what are all the individual keywords that make up the phrases down below and, in addition, how many times you have in your listing. But now for the first time, we also have two words or three plus phrases, like, for example, if I hit two word roots on this page, coffin shelf comes up, coffin makeup, gothic wall, and that’s because those are all in multiple phrases below. So maybe there was coffin Shelf for men, coffin shelf for women. Well, that means coffin shelf is in those phrases twice, and so I can see how many times I’ve used that root for two or three word phrases. And then down here at the bottom We’ve got the competitor performance score right here on the right hand side and the search volume that’s listed and which keywords I have used and not used. So a pretty cool update there for our Listing Builder. Next week there’s even gonna be more updates to that tool that we’ll be Announcing shortly now.

Bradley Sutton:

If you guys are on the Supercharge plan right, not Diamond, not Platinum, not Elite, but Supercharge there’s one update I want to let you guys know about. You guys have the ability to now make custom dashboards. So you would go into your just regular dashboard here and hit new dashboard and Now you can create just tons of different things, like whether it’s a chart or a graph about anything in your Amazon, in your account in Helium 10. For example, I can select your graph and then now I can graph, maybe, hey, what’s my PPC click-through rate and graph that compared to my unit sold. Let me graph my RoAS and my ACoS. Let me check my ad spend, compare it to my refunds over time. I mean, you can pretty much chart anything here in your dashboard. So those of you who are supercharged members, make sure to go ahead and check that out and play around with your first graphs that you can now make.

Bradley Sutton:

One quick update in our Chrome extension and this is what I suggest doing any of you guys doing if you’re selling in one marketplace is you might not know that there’s potentially people in other marketplaces that are hijacking your listings, like maybe they’re selling on it. So what you should do is go to your listing page any of your listing pages and the Helium 10 Chrome extension that comes up at the top. Once you do that you’re gonna see this All Marketplaces button. Hit that, see more data there. And now, instantly, I can see all of the different marketplaces that my product is being sold in. So, like, maybe I’m selling this garlic press only in the US and I’m like, wait a minute, I don’t sell in Germany? How is somebody selling it for 35 bucks in Germany? How is somebody selling it in Great Britain? Right here, that’s not me. So now you can go and click this and go check. All right, who’s the seller that is selling my product in these other marketplaces? Sometimes you’ll be shocked to know that other sellers are selling your products and you might wanna take action on that.

Bradley Sutton:

All right, the last update of the day comes from Black Box. I told you guys there was a lot of updates today and all of the black box tools now are available for Amazon Brazil. All right, so you would just select it right here in the drop down menu of all of the different marketplaces that we service and and just enter in a search, just like you would in your marketplace. So right here I’m in Black Box Keywords and I said hey, here in Brazil, show me a keyword with a search volume of a thousand. So, for example, right here I see hardy met BC, that category, I think that’s garden and pool category. Right, I’m saying, hey, show me this keyword with a thousand search volume and it has at least three words and a title density of less than five and I have a whole bunch of Portuguese keywords from Brazil. Here’s a Basel de planta, a racket electric, a mosquito electric mosquito racket. I guess a lot of interesting products here. I don’t speak Portuguese so I don’t even know what these mean. Here’s one I think that means a garden hose 20 meter garden hose. But here’s some just keywords that came up in the Amazon Brazil marketplace.

Bradley Sutton:

That’s our latest marketplace, that we have tons of tools. Already Amazon Brazil was working for profits and Keyword Tracker, Magnets, or Cerebro, or more, and we’re adding more tools as the time goes by. Don’t forget that soon everybody who sells in Amazon United States is going to be able to sell an Amazon Brazil with this a click of a button. Some of you already are able to do that, but by March everybody’s going to be able to do that. We’ll have a podcast all about that program coming up soon. All right, next up we have our training tip of the week and it’s actually a newish filter that a lot not a lot of people are doing, where you can group some of your products together on your Helium 10 Dashboard. Carrie, take it away.

Carrie Miller:

Hello everyone, today I’m going to show you a new feature that is available in Insights Dashboard. Now, if you’re not using insights dashboard, you are missing out. It helps you to see so much that’s going on with your products. Like you know, it’ll basically it’s a dashboard where it’s kind of like a hub, where everything that’s going on with your products is very visible. So, if you need to add keywords, if you need you know, if, if your listing got suppressed or if there’s an alert, you know, maybe your dimensions changed, there’s something that’s going on with your products. It’s all shown in the dashboard. And you can also monitor your competitors to see, you know, have they added a coupon, have they changed their price? They changed their listing? There’s so much more than that, but it really saves you tons and tons of time monitoring your own products as well as your competitors products, and now we have the ability to tag an insights dashboard, so I’m going to go ahead and show you what that looks like. So this is insights dashboard. You’re going to want to go over to where it says my products. Okay, so click on my products and this is going to be a list of all of your products here, and so, basically the way that this populates is if you connect your Helium 10 account to Seller Central so that it automatically pulls this information in.

Carrie Miller:

But sometimes you have tons and tons of products and a lot of different types of products, so maybe you’re wanting to look at a specific type of product. You can actually group these with these different tags. So, for example, we have a bunch of different coffin shelves. We also have egg trays, so I made two different tags. One is coffin shelf, and so if I click on coffin shelf, I’m going to be able to see all of the coffin shelves that we sell that I tagged, and then, if you want to untag it, you want to see everything. You just click back on the tag. So to create your tag, it’s super easy. All you have to do is, you know, go in here and click on the settings wheel that I just clicked on, and you’re going to click on add tag.

Carrie Miller:

Okay, so on this, you can actually tag your competitors and your own products, okay, so, um, that is one really great thing about this is that you can. You can, you know, find and group them all together if you want to, so you can do competitors or you can do your own products. In this instance I, you know I actually just tagged my own products, so all of these are my own products but say I wanted to go in and I wanted to kind of edit this tag and I wanted to add some competitors. And take a look at the competitors, I can click on the competitors tab and I can search those competitors and add them on there to have them grouped kind of in a similar way. So there’s a lot of different ways you can do this. You can also even go over to the competitors tab. So I’ll close out of this and I’ll go over to the competitors tab. And in the competitors tab you can also just create you know the same place here.

Carrie Miller:

So you can just add a tag here and you can say you know you can name it like increasing revenue or something like that, maybe you want to track those people, that you can do whatever you want in these tags and you can group your competitors in your own products in any way that you want to. Um, or maybe there’s groups of products of your own that maybe you, you know, have started to see fall. You want to keep an eye on them. There’s a lot of different ways you can do this, um. So all you have to do is unclick the tags so you can see all of your products. And one cool thing is you can actually even go through and say, oh, I want to add a tag here or here. Oh, I didn’t add this one to my egg tray one, so I’m going to click and add it to my egg tray tabs tags so that I can see it there. So you can do this. You know in so many different ways.

Carrie Miller:

Um, you can you know, maybe also tag something that’s on promotion, or if you’re launching different products, you can say you know in launch phase. Or you know ranking. If you’re working on ranking, you can tag those and say you know ranking. Um, because you’re doing a lot of outside traffic, maybe an influencers, and you want to keep an eye on those and you want to sort them out. You can do literally anything with these tags. It’s the sky is the limit. So what’s great about this tool is that you can customize it to whatever you want to do and it helps you to just sort through the products very quickly based on what you’re looking at or what you want to look at. So go ahead and check it out. If you haven’t checked it out, I think this is a really great um feature to be able to categorize your own products and your competitors products and to be able to find them and sort through them very quickly and easy. So check it out and we’ll see you later.

Bradley Sutton:

All right, thank you very much, Carrie, for that. So you know you might be wondering how do I use that. You know, like, for example, me, I’ve got four products right now that I’m launching all at the same time, and so maybe I just want a quick way to see those four products, about what’s going on with my keywords, my sales and everything, instead of having to like filter through them. Well, now I can just give those products a launch tag and this with a click of a button. Now I can see everything that’s going on for those four products on my Helium 10 Dashboard. So play around with that guys. Make your own custom tags. Let me know which ones you put in the comments below. That’s it for the news and features and training of the week. Hope you guys enjoyed this episode. We’ll see you next week to see what’s buzzing.

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Want to absolutely start crushing it on Amazon? Here are few carefully curated resources to get you started: 

  • Freedom Ticket: Taught by Amazon thought leader Kevin King, get A-Z Amazon strategies and techniques for establishing and solidifying your business. 
  • Helium 10: 30+ software tools to boost your entire sales pipeline from product research to customer communication and Amazon refund automation. Make running a successful Amazon or Walmart business easier with better data and insights. See what our customers have to say.
  • Helium 10 Chrome Extension: Verify your Amazon product idea and validate how lucrative it can be with over a dozen data metrics and profitability estimation. 
  • Trademarks are vital for protecting your Amazon brand from hijackers, and provides a streamlined process for helping you get
Director of Training & Chief Evangelist

Bradley is the Director of Training and Chief Evangelist for Helium 10 as well as the host of the most listened to podcast in the world for Amazon sellers, the Serious Sellers Podcast. He has been involved in e-commerce for over 20 years, and before joining Helium 10, launched over 400 products as a consultant for Amazon Sellers.

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Published in: Serious Sellers Podcast

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