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Helium 10 Buzz 1/5/23: Amazon Keyword Research Tip And Etsy Listing Migration

We’re back with another episode of the Weekly Buzz with Helium 10’s Chief Brand Evangelist, Bradley Sutton. Every week, we cover the latest breaking news in the Amazon, Walmart, and E-commerce space, interview someone you need to hear from and provide a training tip for the week.

Amazon Air is set to start selling spare capacity on its aircraft as it responds to a post-pandemic slowdown in e-commerce spending, according to Bloomberg.

Shopify launched a new service aimed at big retailers that will allow them to select tools and services the Canadian tech giant offers and integrate them with their own online platform.

In this episode, we also feature this article about the top 5 China E-commerce trends to watch in 2023.

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We continue the episode where Bradley interviews Shivali Patel to discuss her latest projects. It involved getting Project X listings from Amazon to Etsy. We close this week’s episode with the Pro Training tip of the week about how to do Amazon product research using Xray keywords.

In this episode of the Helium 10 Weekly Buzz, Bradley talks about:

  • 01:00 – Amazon Air
  • 03:00 – Shopify Commerce
  • 04:29 – Get A Demo Of Helium 10’s Market Tracker 360
  • 04:40 – E-commerce Metaverse
  • 07:00 – Join Helium 10’s Affiliate Partner Program
  • 08:40 – Interview with Shivali Patel
  • 14:05 – Pro Training Tip: Product Research Strategy With Xray Keywords


Bradley Sutton:

Hello everybody, and welcome to another episode of this Serious Sellers Podcast by Helium 10. I’m your host, Bradley Sutton, and this is the show that is our Helium 10 Weekly Buzz, where we give you a rundown on the latest news that is happening in the e-commerce space. We have interviews with people in the industry you need to hear from and give you training tips of the week for serious strategies for serious sellers of any level in the e-commerce world. Today, we just got a couple of news articles that talk about the Amazon’s airplanes to something new with Shopify Commerce for bigger sellers. We’ve also have a mini interview with Shivali about a little project about how to take an Amazon product and get it on Etsy. And then I’ve got a great kind of product research strategy for you guys how to do keyword research, kind of density research on the fly.

Bradley Sutton:

Instead of having to go into Cerebro and mag and try to open up a whole bunch of tools, you can actually do it right there on Amazon. So make sure to stay tuned for that. Let’s go ahead and hop right into the news though. The first article that we have today is about Amazon Air. So Amazon Air is the kind of airplane fleet that Amazon has, and there is this article on Air Cargo News now talks about Amazon Air set to sell space on its aircraft to third parties. So it’s got like some extra capacity it says on their airplanes. And so like they’re starting to do stuff like putting pineapples and salmon to Hawaii and Alaska. But it says that possibly they’re gonna start opening up more things because they have extra space, like more capacity, where now you might even be able to do retailer to consumer shipments like moving packages from warehouses to consumers, like almost as if it was a competition to FedEx and UPS.

Bradley Sutton:

Now, it’s not it Amazon doesn’t have plans right now. It says as far as their airplanes go to, to use this to, to kind of like completely rival the door-to-door service of like a FedEx or ups or where anybody can just go ahead and, and send something overnight via Amazon and they pick it up and, and they deliver it the next day of your customer. But who knows, that could be where they’re headed since they have extra space. But for us for those of us who do fulfilled by merchant whether we’re not using FBA for our Shopify businesses or if we’re just doing a lot of direct to consumer shipments, this is another potential down the road, especially if we’re a bigger seller, we have a large warehouse where we might be able to actually buy space on Amazon airplanes to deliver, you know across the different countries.

Bradley Sutton:

So this is something to, to look into. Who knows, maybe we’re gonna have a another option instead of just USPS, FedEx and UPS. So something to keep an eye on. Speaking of bigger sellers, you know Shopify is actually actually starting something as well where they have a new subscription product that is for large retail clients. So those of you who sell on Shopify, you might have be part of the basic part of Shopify, which costs $29 a month, or you might have Shopify Plus that starts at $2,000 a month, but now they’re starting something called Commerce Components. Now there’s commerce components, like take things to a next level for like, kind of like bigger enterprise level sellers. And they already started with Mattel and how this is gonna be different?

Bradley Sutton:

We’re not really sure yet, or at least this article from Reuters here, isn’t sure. But it takes a quote and says Commerce components is fundamentally for a new segment of the market that has historically been underserved. We think this gives us a new market to go into Shopify’s president said in an interview. So it’s gonna include like a lot of like software development, custom integrations and things like that. So if you, you guys are like eight, nine figure seller or enterprise, I know there’s some of you out there we have obviously a lot of billion dollar companies that use this like Lego and things, and you’re not doing Shopify yet because maybe you thought you needed something more advanced. Well, it looks like Shopify’s coming out for something for you guys. Don’t forget if you are one of the enterprise level customers of Helium 10, well, we have our own enterprise solution.

Bradley Sutton:

Make sure to get a demo of that. Market Tracker 360. You can get a free demo of that at Now, our last article of the day is actually from Alibaba News. It was kind of like a, a prediction on 2023 for the Chinese market, and it’s interesting to kind of like, follow what happens in the Chinese market as far as on the commerce side, because they’re a lot of times like a year or two ahead of Europe and the US as far as what’s gonna trend. Like last year you saw how big in China things like live shopping was, and now it’s gaining a lot of growth in Europe and the US. So I thought this was interesting. This part, it says Metaverse Give More, and Alibaba even has something like in their ecosystem where it allows consumers to explore brands through game-like experiences, browse digital showrooms and personalized avatars, and try on clothing.

Bradley Sutton:

And like, here’s a team a screenshot from Tmall, which is one of the websites over there where if you’re in the Metaverse, maybe you’ve got one of those VR devices or something, potentially you can go and browse like in 3d I’m looking here, there’s watches and Burberry and, and just in very interesting things. And in addition, what a lot of brands are doing is they’re making these like digital collectibles, kind of like NFTs, I think. And we’re consumers are buying these as from brands. You know this is kind of like interesting, like two dozens has since late 2021, nearly two dozen luxury brands have released 37 digital collections on Alibaba’s team all luxury pavilion, and thousands of consumers have purchased them. It says by 2026, a quarter of consumers will spend at least one hour a day in the metaverse for work, shopping, education, social, or entertainment.

Bradley Sutton:

So this is something to keep an eye on maybe it’s only for bigger customers or bigger companies right now, but imagine a world in which like people want to do their shopping, kind of like in the metaverse or with virtual reality, or in a more immersive experience where not only would you be able to shop, and that means as Amazon sellers or third party sellers, you need to kind of like have something in the metaverse. But you could even later have to be able to create NFTs or other digital collectibles that have to do with your brand to further your brand’s exposure. So something to look at. The next thing I wanted to talk to you about, there’s a lot of people who ask me like, Hey, I wanna be able to give out discount to my friends, and, or I’ve got a YouTube channel, or I’ve got an Instagram channel about e-commerce, and I wanna give Helium 10 discounts and get commission on it.

Bradley Sutton:

Well, we actually have one of the best commission programs affiliate programs in the space. And so if you guys are interested to get more information about it, it’s completely free to sign up, go to, It’s a really great program that we have where you can earn monthly commissions for life. All right? So it’s actually 25% for life. So like, for example, let’s say you have a YouTube channel and you create a Helium 10 video, and then you have like a discount code or a link there, and so somebody actually buys Helium 10 from there and they start subscribing to it. Well, maybe you never see that customer again, right? But as long as they’re paying Helium 10, you’re getting 25% of whatever they pay us. So imagine like, let’s say they sign up for the Diamond plan you know, $250, well, I don’t know what my math is, like whatever, 25% of that has like 75-80 bucks, whatever.

Bradley Sutton:

You’re getting a check for 80 bucks or 90 bucks from them, depending on what kind of add-ons they have. 3, 4, 5 years from now, you’re still getting that check from Helium 10, even though you’ve never even talked to that, that customer. So it could be a great way for you guys to get some extra money. If, if you have like an e-commerce kind of space in social media make sure to check that out, it. Next up we’ve got a quick interview here with Shivali. We had a kind of, I gave her a little project to do about getting a listing up on Etsy. So let’s see some of the differences of having listings on Amazon and also Etsy. So Shivali, had you ever made an Etsy listening before, like, for your Amazon business in the past? Like, you never sold on Etsy, I don’t think. Did you?


Never, but I’ve definitely browsed on Etsy, so that was the most experience I had.

Bradley Sutton:

Have you ever bought anything on Etsy?


I don’t believe I have, actually. I’m always close, but because I had no prior experience with Etsy, I was always a little bit hesitant.

Bradley Sutton:

So as you were looking into this, this mini project I gave you to get some of our listings that were on Amazon, on Etsy, what was something that you found in your research that’s like, oh yeah, this is not just a matter of copying and pasting our Amazon, like listing. What kind of differences in the process of creating a listing? Did you, did you notice?


So as opposed to Amazon, Etsy gives you the option of uploading up to 10 photos, I believe for Amazon it’s usually seven, and then you still have access to uploading a video that’s about five to 15 seconds. But there are a few differences. So when you are uploading the listing on the backend, you have this option for renewal, and typically they automatically renew that listing for 20 cents after four months. But you do have the option of changing that to doing that manually. Your description section is also limited to just that description section. You don’t have like the four bullet points plus the product description plus any A+ Content that you have. So you’re really taking all that information from Amazon and then making it concise and efficient for conversions and for your consumer to really read and feel understood and buy. And outside of that, you do have access to some other attributes. Of course, you have your, what is this material made out of? Who made it, when is it how long is it gonna take you to really ship out? But then your shipping section is of course, different if you’re doing Amazon FBA, for example, because now you’re using the US Postal Service, so you do have access to priority mail or ground mail standard international, but you have to really make your choice of what is really gonna allow your package to get to the consumer.

Bradley Sutton:

Let’s take a look at the listing that you first we’re going to pull from, which is the Amazon listing here. I see, here’s the main image, white background that’s probably a difference too. Like I noticed you didn’t, on the main image here, you just had like more of a lifestyle. Soit’s kind of opposite, right? On Etsy, you don’t want to have a white background or like a very commercial looking background for your main image.


That is correct, especially because that image is the first thing that the consumer sees. But Etsy is a different platform, and there they’re really going to be doing more. So lifestyle images, where is that product really being used in real life. How is that use case going to be for them?

Bradley Sutton:

Okay. I also see, I guess there’s not really bullet points on the Etsy listing, but the description is like right up here, front and center, where, like on the, on the Amazon listing, I mean, you’ve gotta scroll forever and ever, so maybe the description is not very important on Amazon, but on Etsy, you probably have to have your description on point. Okay. And I see you kind of made like did you have to do htm? You just put paragraphs here and then it puts it in. You don’t have to know HTML for this, huh?


No, not at all. Which is nice.

Bradley Sutton:

How did this tags section down here, like how did you choose these keywords?


So I did look for relevancy is definitely one thing that one tool you can turn to find some tags that are good. Of course, it’s a little bit different because this is Etsy and not Amazon. However, typically those things that are in demand on one platform can translate into another platform. So that’s just something to keep in mind as you’re choosing those tags.

Bradley Sutton:

Okay. And then I see here you were choosing, you were talk, what you were talking about, the shipping services looks like only USPS, this is what we do. So, to get this up and going, I mean, since we obviously had an Etsy account running like outside of the research part just uploading it, getting the listing approved and stuff, like how long did that part take once you decided what the copy was gonna be?


So once we knew what the listings that we wanted to upload were, the process was very simple. Honestly, as long as you have the information ready to go, you can upload it fairly fast within five to 10 minutes. But if you are starting a little bit more from scratch, where you’re just pulling that information together, of course, they’ll take you a little bit longer.

Bradley Sutton:

Cool. And I’m just looking here. I’m gonna type in coffin bookshelf, which is like the main keyword for this one here on Etsy. Let’s just scroll down. There we go. See, we’re ready on the page one, like I’m halfway through page one. Well, thank you very much Shivali for this project. And let’s see, what’s the next thing you do, I think we want you to tweak some of our Walmart listings, so maybe we’ll bring you back to see how that project went.


Sounds wonderful. Thanks for having me.

Bradley Sutton:

All right, last up. I just wanna give you guys a quick tip for doing product research. All right? So sometimes you might just be browsing on Amazon, or maybe even you came across something, maybe you started in a Helium 10 Black Box, but you’re on Amazon and you’re like, Hey, I just want to get some quick keyword level information for what’s going on in this page. So let’s say like, for example here, I just hyped in coffin shelf on Amazon, and I’m like, I think coffin shelf is probably the best keyword here, but what are some other keywords that potentially drive the sales? So all you have to do, guys, there’s a button at the very bottom here as you can see, just put your mouse over and then hit this Xray Keywords.

Bradley Sutton:

Once you hit Xray Keywords, this window comes up and it’s gonna show you instantly just one click. What are some of the main keywords that these products on this page are, are having a lot of first page placements on? So, for example, we can see if I would just sort this by competitor rank average, and I want to see which ones are the top ones, I would see, hey, there’s a lot of these products here who are doing well for goth makeup, goth stuff. Coffin shelf right there is at the top. So yeah, this has the most search volume of the top keywords, gifts for goths. You know, like I didn’t even realize that like that’s something that I might even have in my listing. I didn’t realize that gifts for goth was important for the coffin shelf niche, horror gifts for women, makeup shelves, gothic accessories for women.

Bradley Sutton:

So with just one click, I’m getting insights into the kind of keywords that make up this niche. Conversely, if I actually go onto a listing, like, let’s go ahead and click on this guy’s sponsor ad, because he has Amazon’s choice and it’s not us. So I’m gonna make him pay $1 right there. So let’s say I’m on this exact page. I’m like, Hey, this guy must be doing well. What are some of the keywords that are driving his sales? Of course, I could just go into Cerebro and get that. But no, I’m gonna just hit that button. I’m gonna hit Xray Keywords directly on this page, and then instantly I’m gonna be able to see some of the main keywords that this exact product is on page one four. And then if you know, sure enough, there it is, coffin shelf is right there, coffin bookshelf, bat shelf.

Bradley Sutton:

And there’s another keyword that I didn’t find creepy decor. So, guys, this is a great way if you’re trying to just do some keyword research or product research on the fly, you want a quick idea of what keywords could be driving the sales of whatever product you’re browsing on. Who knows, maybe you’re shopping on Amazon and you’re like, whoa, this might be a good idea. What are the keyword that people use to find this product? One-click guys, without even having to go into Helium 10. It’s a great product research little tip right there. All right guys. That’s it this week for the weekly Buzz. Hope you enjoy this episode. I will see you guys next week to see what’s buzzing.

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