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#530 – Walmart Launch Strategy, Ranking, and AMA

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Ever wondered what it takes to get your product to the top of Walmart’s search results? We’ve cracked the code and our host, Carrie Miller, is here to share every inside tip and strategy you need to make your Walmart listings shine. In this episode, we discuss everything from the importance of choosing the right product type to mastering the listing quality score without resorting to the pitfalls of title stuffing. Compliance with Walmart’s guidelines is key, and we talk about the balance between PPC campaigns and organic search enhancements that could transform your rankings. Plus, we can’t forget the tactical use of Walmart’s SEM tool to harness the power of Google ads—a game-changer for driving traffic to your listings.

As we dive deeper into the ecosystem of Walmart’s online presence, one thing is clear: the influence of digital word-of-mouth is not to be underestimated. We explore the emerging role of the Walmart Creator program and how influencers can catapult your products into the social media spotlight. Agencies like SellCord, Blue Ryse, and Ecom Creative Crew get a nod for their expertise in navigating listing challenges, and we remind sellers of the resources available through our tools inside Helium 10. Wrapping up, we send out an invitation to join the Winning with Walmart group—your go-to hub for community support and answers to all your Walmart-related queries. Remember, success at Walmart may be a podcast away, so tune in, get inspired, and let’s make those sales numbers soar!

In episode 530 of the Serious Sellers Podcast, Carrie talks about:

  • 00:00 – Ranking Strategies For Walmart Listings
  • 04:22 – Walmart’s SEM Offers Growth Opportunities
  • 12:37 – Walmart Listing Optimization Guide
  • 13:40 – Walmart Traffic, Influencers, Branding, and Agencies
  • 16:54 – Walmart Application and Brand Registry
  • 22:43 – Ranking Strategies For Walmart Products
  • 24:16 – Join The Winning With Walmart Group


Carrie Miller:

In today’s episode we’re going to be talking about how to rank on Walmart, some new tools that Walmart is offering to help you with your sales and ranking, and also just how Helium 10 tools can help you with your PPC and also your listing optimization.

Bradley Sutton:

How cool is that? Pretty cool, I think.

Carrie Miller:

Hello everyone, welcome to another episode of this Serious Sellers podcast by Helium 10. My name is Keri and I’m going to be your host. This is our winning with Walmart episode, where we go live and give you some Walmart information and answer all of your Walmart questions live, alright. Somebody asked this is a great question how do you rank organically in Walmart? Is it the same algorithm as Amazon? There’s actually a few different components to ranking on Walmart. The first one is product type. Your product type is really important because the product type is connected to the keywords for your actual product. If you’re in the wrong product type, it’s going to make it hard for you to actually rank. The first thing you want to do is go to your growth opportunities tab and check your product type. You can click on the details for each product listing and it’ll tell you a product type up at the top. If the product type is definitely wrong, then you’re going to want to make sure to fix that. Sometimes, what you can do is you can A B test the product types, because some product types include a lot more keywords. That means you’re going to be able to rank and show up and basically index for any of those keywords. If you aren’t in the right product type though with the most keywords, then it’s going to be hard to rank for this. For example, I know someone did for supplements. It was nutritional supplements and herbal supplements or something like that. They changed their product type to nutritional supplements and that encompassed a lot more keywords than herbal supplements. You want to really take a look at those product types. Make sure that you have the right product type. That’s first for ranking. The second thing is you want to make sure that you have a high listing score. You want to make sure you’re in the 90s at least for your listing quality score. Look on that dashboard and make sure you’re doing that.

Carrie Miller:

Things like stuffing your title. If you use the same titles that you do on Amazon a lot of times they’ll suppress you a bit, because Walmart does not like stuffing titles. You want to make sure to follow the guidelines for the titles and just the entire listing. Make sure that you write the keywords that you want to rank for into your listing. If there’s a specific phrase, if there’s some targeted phrases, you’re going to want to write those phrases in the exact form. Maybe there’s 15 to 20. You want to write those throughout. Obviously, your most important phrase should be in the title. Those are the first things that you’re going to want to do. The next thing is you’re going to want to get sales. It is important to get some clicks ads to carts and conversions. I know some people do some search find by. There’s some people who do different coupons. Sometimes people send traffic from TikTok and people will search on Walmart. They’ll just search for the actual product through the keyword. There’s a few different ways to do it, but really you’re going to want to click add to cart and conversion.

Carrie Miller:

That’s how you’re going to help to rank. PPC is really, really helpful. If you’re doing PPC along with that, that is a great way to rank. You really get some good ranking juice with PPC. Definitely try all of those things. Those are all the best combination of things to rank because it all goes together. Make sure that you’re also putting in as many attributes in the backend as possible so you can rank for those as well. Those are the basics for ranking, but it’s not really the same as Amazon, because Amazon’s really giving you a lot of ranking juice for outside traffic. Walmart does have some outside traffic things that they have going on, but it’s not necessarily helping with rank. There is something that I wanted to talk about. It’s called SEM and it’s on your growth opportunities tab. It’s the very last one and it’s basically Google ads. They used to do this for free and now it’s. Unfortunately, you have to pay for it. What they’re doing is they’re giving you the ability to drive Google ads directly to your Walmart listings. That is a great way to get some outside traffic. That could potentially also help your rank because of the conversions and things like that. Check out the SEM at the very end. Very easy to set up those Google shopping ads and you can start showing it for Google shopping and get more conversions that way.

Carrie Miller:

I think we have another question Does Walmart take care of the shipping to the client? Can I ship products from China directly to the Walmart warehouse? I’ve actually never shipped directly from the China warehouse. The thing about it is I don’t believe they’re going to be receiving large shipments for you as your first starting out. So the best thing would probably be to ship your products to a 3PL and then ship them into the Walmart warehouses. That’s what I would recommend in general, and then, if you don’t sell out on Walmart, you can use it for Amazon, you can use it for TikTok shop, so that way you have better control over your inventory. So I think someone else said, no, you can’t. So yeah, I know you can with Amazon and or used to be able to. You know we were shipping containers directly to Amazon and it’s this little harder now. But you know, it sounds like somebody else said you can’t ship directly from China, so ship to a 3PL, then ship into WFS, and that is the best way to go.

Carrie Miller:

I think something else that I wanted to kind of point out to everyone is that we actually do have some tools with Helium 10. And I did have some. I’ve had some meetings recently with some sellers and they are. You know, I think we’re all kind of forgetting some of these tools that Helium 10 has and I wanted to kind of bring it back to your attention. So I’m going to just show you some keyword research tools and like, for example, garlic press. Okay, so we always use the garlic press kind of example. But what we want to do is what we can do here is we can actually pull our x-ray extension. We have x-ray for Walmart here and what we can do is we can copy the product IDs and do a reverse search on Cerebro for keywords. Now I like to look for kind of the main. You know things. Actually, I was looking at decorative pillow. I want to look at decorative pillows, decorative pillows. So I’m going to search for that and we’ll see if we can find some. A lot of times these are kind of interesting and diverse. So let’s go ahead and pull the Helium 10 extension. So, for anyone who’s listening, I’m just pulling our Chrome extension for Helium 10. This is going to show revenue for each product. It’s going to show the product IDs, it’s going to show reviews. It’s going to show a lot of great information to help you kind of better make good decisions, for not only you know what products to start selling on here, but also how to kind of position your own products.

Carrie Miller:

So what I usually like to do is kind of look for things that are selling pretty well. So it looks like this snow leopard pillow is selling pretty well. So what we can do is we can just paste that into Walmart for Cerebro. Now you have to choose. You have to scroll all the way down to Walmart Marketplace in Cerebro to choose the Walmart Marketplace to do this, and it’s basically this product ID. Now, if you don’t have, you know, the X-ray pulled up, you can actually find it on the listing page itself in the URL. It’s the last digits on the URL, so you can do that as well. So I’ll go ahead and actually just do this one search. Let’s look at the keywords for this decorative pillow. So we’re going to hit, get keywords, and what it’s doing is it’s basically showing all of the keywords that that particular product is ranking for, sponsored in Organic. So if we take a look, we can see a lot of different, you know, keyword phrases. We’ve got snow leopard decorative pillows, their organic rank number five, if you wanted. So if there’s a competitor that’s doing some advertising, what you can also do is you can do this single search product ID and you can sort by sponsored rank. It doesn’t look like this one is doing any advertising, but if they were, then you would be able to see all of the keywords that they’re advertising for. And with Walmart, a lot of times there’s, you know, kind of like a 15 to 20 keyword phrase focus, and so you might be able to see the exact keyword strategy that your competitors have. So that’s something that’s really cool about doing a single search ascent, but you can see all of the different kind of keywords in here. You can see the search volume and it’s going to be compared to the search volume on Amazon. It’s a little bit different on Amazon.

Carrie Miller:

Now, on Walmart, there are a lot of filters that customers do use, so they kind of filter down to find the products that they want. But this is an incredible tool for your, for your listing optimization. So you want to make sure to write all of your most important keywords into your listing. Then you also want to, you know, use this for your pay per click advertising, because I have noticed that there’s a little bit different keywords and keyword phrases Then on Amazon. So I always do keyword research separately for Walmart so that I can make sure that my pay per click advertising and my actual listing is optimized for Walmart. So that is one way to do this. We can also search magnet. You can search phrases. So if I put decorative pillow in here, it’ll search on Walmart. Actually, you know what? I think? I didn’t change the marketplace. Let’s go all the way down to the Walmart marketplace here. This is the Walmart marketplace. We’re going to hit, get keywords under the Walmart marketplace on magnet and what this will do is it’s going to show you similar keywords to you know decorative pillow that you could use and give you. It’ll give you more ideas of you know what kinds of keywords to target so you can sort by.

Carrie Miller:

You know search volume amounts. You can search by search search volume there. You can see it compared to Amazon there, and there’s a lot of great keywords that you can focus on. Now, even the lower search volume keywords I’ve still made sales on those, especially if they’re very relevant. So I don’t ignore those really low search volume keywords either. So if you are ignoring some of those, I would highly recommend, you know, creating some campaigns for those lower search volume keywords as well. All right, so we’ve got Cerebro when we’ve got magnet. We also have a profits tool and I know there are a lot of people who are using profits to maintain just their whole profits view of Walmart and it’s been been very, very helpful for a lot of people. So if you haven’t started using profits, you want to connect your Walmart token to helium 10, so it’ll automatically pull in that data. You can add in your costs of goods, you can add in any other expenses that you have in there and you can get a pretty good overview of your profits on Walmart. So that is something else to think about. Now.

Carrie Miller:

I did notice that there was kind of an announcement recently about video ads. They’re doing some different testing, maybe just on the look of video ads and sponsored brand ads on Walmart. So if you are doing those, you might see that a little bit. But something I did notice is that a lot of brands are not even doing video ads or any kind of sponsored brand ads. So if you, you know, are in a kind of competitive category, you should check on those keywords and see if you can start doing some advertising on those. You know you have to be a registered brand in order to do that, but video ads and sponsored sponsored brand ads are going to be a great way for you to, you know, really get going with some sales, especially because you’ll be right at the top and it’s not as expensive as it is on on Amazon at this point. So it’s really good thing to do. Coupons are still in beta, so I have talked to some people who are using the beta program for coupons and they’ve had a really good conversion rates for coupons. So I’m really, really hoping to see those come out soon for everyone. Maybe some of you have them, so you might want to check your dashboards, your growth opportunities wherever, to see if something appears about coupons, but I have heard very good things about them. Also, subscribe and save has been in some beta programs, so that those are some things to kind of look forward to. Brand stores are available, so if you are a brand registered seller, go ahead and check it, check that out, get your brand store all registered and ready to go.

Carrie Miller:

Okay, it looks like we have another question in here. Are there any guides for SEO, titles, description. Is it good to have keyword stuffing in the title? No, so I did mention this at the beginning. There are guides for very, very good guides, actually on Walmart. So if you go to the help center, you can find and search different for different things, and optimization is one of them. You can look for how you should set up your title, how you should set up your description and your bullets, and it’s all in there. Now keyword stuffing is going to get your listing suppressed a bit. You want to follow the guidelines that Walmart sets and then, when you actually create your title and your whole listing on your growth opportunities tab. It’s going to give you a listing quality score and if your title isn’t the way they want it, it’ll show you what you need to do to fix it. So that’s very, very helpful. So any mistakes that you make on your actual listing, you can go back and fix them on the growth opportunities tab, which is a really, really great thing to utilize. So that’s a great question. So thank you for that question.

Carrie Miller:

Another thing is I just wanted to talk a little bit about traffic to Walmart. So where is the traffic coming from? There are some things again I wanted to reiterate. If you haven’t started using the SEM tab on the very end of your growth opportunities tab where you can do those Google ads, that’s going to be a great place for traffic. I think a lot of traffic can come from Google. So if you can just get that that advertising going, that would really help help you there. Another thing is I have seen a very large uptick in influencers. Now I follow a lot of kind of female, kind of clothing influencers and I know there’s a lot of home decor influencers. There are a lot of influencers that are now promoting Walmart products because there’s a Walmart Creator program. They get commissions. Some of them are Walmart partners, so they’re finding products on Walmart and promoting them through their Instagram, through their TikToks. So what you can do is, if you wanted to kind of reach out to some of these, you can search you know, walmart partner, walmart sponsored ad, or just search hashtags to see what creators within your space are, you know, basically promoting your types of products, and a lot of times you’ll find those. Or if you’re just following, you know people in your space and a lot of times they are already promoting Walmart stuff. So I think that’s a really good opportunity to help them to not to be successful by, you know, giving them your product and then seeing if they’ll promote it on Instagram, tiktok, you know, everywhere on social media. So I highly recommend looking into that. I think it’s a great way of getting more traffic there. I also have noticed that you know Walmart is still really pushing for Walmart plus memberships. A lot of credit cards you get it for free, like American Express, platinum, for sure you get. You get it for free for the year. So there’s a lot of great credit card perks that you can get Walmart plus memberships for free, which you know will incentivize people to you know shop at Walmart, especially if they see something that’s the same thing on Walmart, they’re like, oh, I might as well just go to Walmart because I get free shipping anyway. So those are some things about Walmart traffic, all right. So another question Do you know any I think, maybe trustworthy agencies to fix my listing problem for me? Yes, I do know some agencies. There is Michael LaBar at They do a great job at fixing listing issues. I think they’re probably the best for kind of like solving issues. There’s also Ryan King from Blue Rise and there’s also McCall Chapnick from Ecom Creative Crew. So Ecom Crew so sorry, Ecom Creative Crew team and so you can reach out to all of them. I know McCall has a great Walmart group, so if you haven’t joined her group, it’s a Walmart Marketplace Sellers group. She’s pretty active in there too, so you can you can, you know connect with her there. So there’s a lot of great agencies that you could reach out to. Somebody has a very long one here, let’s see here, let’s see. It’s a very long question here. Thank you, my G, michael Thomas, says sorry, I had to step off for a minute so I may have missed this.

Carrie Miller:

Concerning the application process. What is your experience or anyone that you know who has submitted an application? I’ve actually been talking to a new seller of business development and Matt Turner said the fiscal year starts at the end of this month, so I think Walmart will start approving applications at that time. Also, how do you get a brand page on Walmart? Okay, so you should be able to apply to Walmart anytime. So if you’re, you know, ready to sell on Walmart, I would recommend that you just go ahead and apply. Make sure that you have, you know, make sure that there’s a list of countries that are approved. Now, if you don’t live in the US and maybe your country is not approved, usually an LLC works and I know Michael from Cell Court can help get around those kinds of issues. But you do just need to have kind of an established business. Make sure that you have all your ducks in a row, you know of all the qualifications that they have listed out for your application and you should be good to go for the application. It takes usually 48 hours. Sometimes it can take a little bit longer, but you should be able to get that application going. The next thing is going to be brand registry. So there is a brand registry portal, so it’s brand portal, portalonemarkcom, and you just click on register. You need to have a you know a red, a trademark. It says it right here on this screen here you need to have registered trademark and so make sure that you have that. You know all that in a, all those ducks in a row, basically, before you apply for that, so that you have access, that’ll give you access to video ads, sponsor brand ads, the brand stores. A lot of the perks that are coming are going to be basically related to to the brand portal. So hopefully that answers your question. Let’s see.

Carrie Miller:

Another question is it seems like Walmart is looking more for brands. Do you agree? I actually don’t agree. What they are looking for and I’ve actually talked to a lot of these kind of the managers on Walmart they’re looking for products that really complement what’s already on Walmartcom, so things like accessories to products that are already on Walmart, so things that are complimentary that maybe aren’t already on Walmart. They’re looking for a well-rounded catalog. So it doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to have a big brand, they just want complimentary products. There is an assortment growth tab on the back end of your Walmart seller center and sometimes you get some good suggestions on how to kind of grow things that might not be available on Walmart, that they want you to sell. But that is a great way to just look for things that are not necessarily available on Walmart but would be good complimentary accessory products to things that they have, and that might be a great way to go. But, yeah, they are accepting third-party sellers. They’re really investing a lot of money to get third-party sellers to start selling on Walmart, so they are definitely wanting third-party sellers to come.

Carrie Miller:

Another thing that I wanted to bring up is that there is some rich media that’s available for free and that’s kind of like A-plus content If you go to the help and then go to get support when you’re logged in to seller center. So go help get support, then click on items and inventory, click on rich media and then you’ll see instructions on how you can upload a video or a 365 image and that’ll be basically for free. Otherwise you have to pay for each thing to get hosted through an agency. But those are some free modules. If you don’t have a video up, that’s a great thing to put up there and I highly recommend you do that if you haven’t done that yet. So another thing somebody asked is where can we create a brand store? This is going to be when you are registered, a brand registered, you go to your brand portal and that should. That is the place where you’re going to be able to see all of that to create your brand store. Another thing I wanted to bring up is the review accelerator program is still going on. You can go do up to 10 reviews and basically how this works is it’s not like Vine on Amazon, it’s basically your actual customers. So whatever sales you get within a certain amount of time, they will actually send a request to that customer for a review and they’ll pay them $3. You pay $10 for the whole review, but it’s a great way to get some verified reviews of customers who are actually looking for your product already, not just somebody who’s reviewing products. So review accelerator program if you don’t have any reviews, you can go up to 10. So once you pass 10, you’re no longer eligible for the review accelerator program, but that is a great way to get some reviews going if you don’t have them going as well.

Carrie Miller:

And let’s see. Here we have another question. Bradley’s asking me what was my December sales? I actually don’t know the actual number. I think it was around the 12,000 to 15,000 for my one main product. And I have to go look, I have a few different brands on there, so the one that I’ve been really focusing on I did about 15,000 for that one product. So not bad, especially since it’s only one product. You kind of multiply that by 10, you’ve got a million dollars a year on Walmart. So that’s something to consider. That’s the one that I use mostly to kind of test things out and I try to see what’s going on with Walmart with that particular product. And I’ve had the Proseller badge. I’ve had that for quite a while now and they’ve actually been giving me refunds on my referral fees and so that’s pretty cool. So a lot of great things coming with Walmart. I think the coupons are going to be a really big deal, that we’re going to be able to sell a lot more on with those coupons, because people do like deals, and I think that’s going to be great. So let’s see here Bradley is asking how have you been getting to page one for your Walmart launches?

Carrie Miller:

Now, I did talk about this a little bit earlier, right at the beginning, because somebody was asking how to rank, and that is basically the first thing obviously is your product type. You have to be in the right product type. First of all, you have to make sure you’re listing it has about a 90% or above, and sometimes you’ll rank to the top just with that listing quality score. A lot of times we’ll just help optimize listings and it goes straight to the top with just the listing quality score. Don’t stuff your title, but it’s really clicks, adds to carts, conversions. Those are going to help to really get your ranking up, and that includes PPC. So if you’re combining doing a search, find by type strategy along with pay-per-click advertising, you’re going to get some really good results from that. So I know we talked with Kostin from AZ Rank last I think it was last month that we did and they actually have a whole way to help you rank. So if you do want to use their services, they’re doing a good job of helping people to rank to the top. So check them out as well, because they’ve got some great strategies for ranking on Walmart too.

Carrie Miller:

All right, another thing that I wanted to point out is WFS. Make sure you have your products in WFS. That’s another thing that’s going to help you with your listing quality score and your rank. So Walmart fulfillment services are even if you want to just send in like 20 to 30 products at a time just to see how much it’s going to how much is going to go, and I would suggest at least trying out WFS, and it’s going to help you quite a bit. So if you haven’t enrolled in WFS, you should do that. But other than that, I think that is all that I have for today, unless there’s any more questions. But thank you all for these questions and if you haven’t joined our winning with Walmart group, make sure that you go and join our winning with Walmart group. We have a lot of great sellers in there and people answering questions, and so you can also tag me in any questions that you have. On Facebook. Some people have sent me messages and so I would love to help you with any Walmart issues. So I will see you all on the next episode Next month, we’ll have a special guest, so I’m excited for that one, and so stay tuned. Every month, usually on Wednesday. We had to reschedule this week, but usually on Wednesdays we do Winning with Walmart Wednesday and I hope to see you all there again and have a great rest of the day. Bye everyone.

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Want to absolutely start crushing it on Amazon? Here are few carefully curated resources to get you started: 

  • Freedom Ticket: Taught by Amazon thought leader Kevin King, get A-Z Amazon strategies and techniques for establishing and solidifying your business. 
  • Helium 10: 30+ software tools to boost your entire sales pipeline from product research to customer communication and Amazon refund automation. Make running a successful Amazon or Walmart business easier with better data and insights. See what our customers have to say.
  • Helium 10 Chrome Extension: Verify your Amazon product idea and validate how lucrative it can be with over a dozen data metrics and profitability estimation. 
  • Trademarks are vital for protecting your Amazon brand from hijackers, and provides a streamlined process for helping you get one.
Principal Brand Evangelist

A 7-figure e-commerce seller, Carrie began her journey on Amazon, expanding rapidly to Shopify and now Currently serving as the Principal Brand Evangelist for tools at Helium 10, she's deeply passionate about sharing success strategies, tips, and tricks with fellow e-commerce sellers.

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