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#418 – Listing And Ranking Strategies

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In this episode, we sit in and listen to Carrie Miller and Walmart-selling expert Michal Chapnik, Founder of eCom Creative Team, as they answer questions live on anything about selling in the Walmart marketplace. They cover various topics like the specific product niches that are successful in the platform, what are the best listing and ranking strategies in 2023, and more!

Does Walmart have stocking limitations? Does Walmart accept wholesale sellers? And What are the requirements to register as a Walmart seller for local and international residents? Let’s hop right in and discover the answers!

In episode 418 of the Serious Sellers Podcast, Carrie and Michal talk about:

  • 03:30 – Michal’s Backstory 
  • 07:30 – Specific Product Niches That Work Well On
  • 09:00 – Influencers Doing Walmart Segments For Clothing Brands
  • 10:15 – Walmart Excels In Driving Outside Traffic
  • 10:30 – Her Success Tips Sellers New To Walmart
  • 14:30 – A Product That Sells More On Walmart Than Amazon
  • 15:45 – How To Determine The Right Walmart Product Type
  • 17:20 – Product Ranking Strategies For Walmart Listings
  • 20:20 – Running Ads Is Essential To Get Ranked
  • 21:30 – Getting Fresh Traffic Reviews And Reviews Is Essential
  • 24:30 – Are There Any Stocking Limitations At Walmart?
  • 25:00 – How To Get The Pro Seller Badge And Why It’s Important
  • 26:00 – Any Software That Can List Our Product From Other Stores To Walmart?
  • 26:30 – Does Walmart Have A Promotional Calendar?
  • 28:35 – Does Walmart Accept Wholesale Products?
  • 30:30 – Stories From Michal’s Clients
  • 31:30 – Common Mistakes Sellers Do In Walmart
  • 34:30 – Requirements To Register To Walmart And Fulfillment Centers
  • 35:30 – Read About Carrie’s Blog On How International Sellers Can Now Sell On Walmart
  • 35:35 – Is The CPC In Walmart Lower Than Amazon?
  • 36:55 – Has Walmart Introduced Negative Targeting?
  • 37:45 – How To Get In Touch With Michal Chapnick
  • 39:00 – Join The Winning With Walmart Facebook Group


Bradley Sutton:

Today is our first Walmart Wednesday episode of the year where we ask an expert live all of your questions about selling on How cool is that? Pretty cool I think.

Bradley Sutton:

If you guys would like to network with other Walmart sellers, make sure to join our brand new Facebook group called Helium 10, Winning with Walmart. You can actually just search for that on Facebook, or you can actually go to, and you can go directly to that page. So make sure to join, you can tag me and carry with questions, and ask questions of other Walmart sellers or even share your own experiences in that Facebook group. Hello everybody, and welcome to another episode of the Serious Seller’s Podcast by Helium 10. I am your host Bradley Sutton, and this is the show that’s a completely BS-free unscripted, and unrehearsed organic conversation about serious strategies for serious sellers of any level in the e-commerce world. And today we’ve got our first Walmart Wednesday episode of the year. Actually instead of our regular Weekly Buzz that we do on Wednesdays, once a month, we’re gonna preempt the Walmart or the Weekly Buzz for our Walmart Wednesday.

Bradley Sutton:

Now Walmart Wednesday is actually a live show that we do. We broadcast it on YouTube and Facebook where we ask different expert each month. Questions on Walmart? All right, now, I’ve been saying for a long time now, if you’re a successful seller on Amazon in the United States, at, at the very least, you probably should be selling on the Walmart platform as well. They’ve really come a long ways. As far as having now wfs that’s, that’s their version of FBA and their, their advertising platform has come a long way. It’s a lot easier to sell on Walmart now than it was even just a year or two ago. So I highly recommend you guys taking advantage of that platform. Now, whether you guys are selling on Walmart now, or whether you guys are interested down the road, this episode is the one to listen to kind of get the best tips and strategies for what’s going on the platform. So Carrie our Evangelist here at Helium 10 who is is our local expert on Walmart, will invite other experts. She’ll invite other experts once a month to come on and ask or answer your questions live. So here is this month’s version of Walmart Wednesday. Carrie, take it away.

Carrie Miller:

Hello everyone, and welcome to another episode of Winning with Walmart Wednesday. So I’m gonna go ahead and introduce our next guest. We have Michal Chapnik. She’s from eCom Creative Team, and she has been selling on Walmart for quite a while. So we’ve had her on in the past and we got a l a lot of good responses. Loved her content. So we’re gonna have her on again, and we’re gonna talk with her about Walmart. So I’m gonna go ahead and add Michal in. Hello Michal.


Hey Carrie, How are you today?

Carrie Miller:

Good, how are you doing?


I’m great. So excited to be

Carrie Miller:

Here. Yeah, thanks again for joining. I’m so excited to have you again. Cause I think we’re gonna have some good discussion here. A lot of good content for anyone selling on Walmart. So yeah you know what, I’ll just go ahead and, and get into it because I wanna get I know there’s a lot of people who know who you are, but then some people don’t. So I wanna get into kind of your background, how you got started on Walmart. Cause I think it’s a really interesting story. So yeah, if you wanna just go ahead and introduce yourself. Let us know how you got onto Walmart and like your Walmart journey so far.


Yes. So if you don’t know me, my name is Michal Chapnik, and like everyone, I think almost everyone, we started on Amazon some day ago, so I started 11 years ago. That seems like so long. But six years ago I was very lucky and I just got an email from Walmart, say, we invite you to come and sell on Walmart. And, and already at that time I was already starting to understand that I need to have more than one platform. And when I started on Amazon 11 years ago, I already opened my eBay store at the same time and I’m like, okay, I’m just gonna post my items here and there. And of course Amazon was picking up and eBay was okay, you know. But and then I, when Amazon Canada came out, I added Canada.


So I was very excited to have another platform because you know, Walmart, it’s like all over and next to your house or everywhere you drive there is Walmart. So I was like, yeah, sounds amazing. I was extremely excited. I didn’t even know why, but I think now I know more why that actually really changed my life, that journey with Walmart. So I applied, I got my account and I started posting, as much as inventory as I can. So back then, with not too much information out there, like everywhere, I think people still doing it today, just copy pasting some information from Amazon to Walmart and just putting my stuff and just waiting and yeah. Started selling, it was good, but I didn’t give too much attention.


And I think in 2019, this is where things shifted for me with Walmart because I had, I was in the category of license merchandise and it’s become more and more challenging with Amazon. So I had a lot of listing removed or issues. So I had to have everything on Walmart and start creating more listing, optimizing, trying to understand how to do that better and things will start selling my sales for, getting as close as Amazon. So I was like, okay. There is, there is definitely we need to put some attention in here. And in the exact same time I had a mastermind group that we were focusing on sourcing a licensed merchandise and clothing. And I tell everybody, it was like more than 50 people, I say, Hey guys, try to apply to Walmart. It’s really good.


And people applied, people got accounts and then I start, explaining them what to do and then the next thing people making so much money and then Covid hit and we know what happened then yes, Walmart was on fire and everybody that had Walmart at that time and were able to provide fast shipping, faster than, back then Amazon Prime even took three weeks to receive something. So people were buying everywhere. So we got a lot of traffic, a lot of sales everybody was making money on Walmart. So I think since then, it’s just getting better and better.

Carrie Miller:

Yeah. That’s awesome. It is amazing how much am how much Walmart is growing and just how much opportunity there is and how like, just little competition I love. It’s so exciting. I love it. That’s awesome. So let’s go ahead and get into some questions, but I wanted to ask a question cause I get this one a lot from people who wanna start selling on Walmart, that they’re not sure if their product is a good fit for Walmart. So are there any specific products that you would recommend selling on Walmart. Like is there a specific niche or something that does better or do you think that there’s a place for every product or some products shouldn’t go on Walmart? I think that, that a lot of people say, oh, I don’t think my product’s a good fit for Walmart, but what are your thoughts on that?


So I would say the best categories, I see a lot of success with the brands that I’m working with is clothing is very good category, clothing, everything that is fashion, shoes, accessories things like that. Everything with beauty category, just basic stuff. Home category, office, toys. So there is a lot of categories there. People are very, very successful. I would say that in general, that’s another question we get all the time. Like, how much sales I will have if I have, if I’m making a hundred K on Amazon a month Yeah. How much will I have on Walmart? So there is no one answer, but I would say that if you do things right and you should have at least 20% of your sales on Amazon. On Walmart, and if you do things even better, even more, yeah. Then you can grow with time. But there is definitely I do see branded making really nice numbers on Walmart.

Carrie Miller:

Yeah, that’s a good point. I actually made on one product in particular made a lot more than I did on Amazon, so it really depends on the product. So that’s why it’s like a hard question to answer cuz the clicks are really high cost on Amazon, but then you go over to Walmart and then you’re profitable and you’re selling a lot. So but I like that you also brought up clothing because I’ve been noticing recently influencers that I follow, like the fashion influencers are doing whole Walmart segments cuz I think links set up really well now. So all of the fashion bloggers, they’re like, oh, here’s, on a budget and these cute clothing items that you would never ever expect to see Walmart or on there now. So yeah.


Yes. Yeah. There’s this girl I’m following up on Instagram, she’s like, I think her name is like my Texas house. She have a whole collection of like a rugs and design, things like that, that they’re exclusive for Walmart. But at the same time, because she’s so, I guess she’s so cute and she have so many followers, she’s saying, oh, I’m going on vacation, here’s all my outfit. And she changing like 10 outfit and then it’s like all Walmart. Yeah. And she’s doing that for years. So Walmart does have if you think that Walmart doesn’t know how to bring traffic, they know how to bring traffic. They know how they have the best influencers. They’re posting almost anything you are gonna put on Walmart and you optimize it and it’s, going through, the guidelines. So the algorithm pick all these items and post them in Google ads or other searching agent. So Walmart is really, really good in getting outside traffic. So your job is just to put your item on Walmart, do it by the guidelines, and you will see the result.

Carrie Miller:

Yeah. Well that kinda leads into my next question is when someone first starts selling on Walmart, what are things that you recommend that they do to set them apart from the competition? Or just maybe kind of a list of recommendations, I guess?


Yes, follow the guidelines. So people don’t take the time to understand, does Walmart have guidelines for listings? How they want you to build your title your description, your key features, your images. There is really, it’s very specific. It’s not that just there is guidelines, they’re very specific. There’s guidelines even by category. So you need not just to know the guidelines, you need to know to find the category guidelines. So it’s very important. And the algorithm is actually know all the guidelines. There’s something in your account called growth opportunities. And under there you have the listing tool score. So that tool is after you upload the listing, it start scoring it, it’s scoring your title, it’s scoring your description, it’s scoring your offer, it’s scoring if you’re WFS or not. It’s scoring if you have reviews, if you have issues. It’s scoring so many things.


And I think the best thing you can do is know the guidelines, do your best job. After you upload your listing, go to the listing tool and start following the Walmart suggestions. So they will tell you how to optimize your title. They will tell you, oh, that keyword is missing in your title. Amazing, right? they’re gonna tell you your images is not high quality. So even for the images Walmart want, if you have six images, really high quality, you can get really high score and you can definitely have better placement than your competition that only have one image. Or he doesn’t follow the guidelines. So make sure your titles are not too long. Yes. Make sure, hey, I forgot to mention that, but number one Walmart guideline is your listing have to be unique. It’s mean that don’t copy paste from Amazon, it’s the way you people launch in it and say, oh, we are gonna just do that and then fix it.


No, if you launch it correctly from the beginning, you would get so much better placement from the beginning. And then if you don’t do it correctly, you will get bad placement. And then it’s gonna be really hard to, change the placement that you get in because we, because I see it all the time and we’ll see it with all our customers. If that category is not like extremely packed with good sellers, you can get to the first page just by uploading your listing correctly. So launching it correctly your keywords and your attributes is extremely important. Doing the back end is so important. The next part, okay, you did all this right now you wanna be sure you get even better placement use WFS that will tell the algorithm that you, can ship it fast with good service.


So again, you will get better placement and there’s couple more things you can do, of course, more sales you have is more reviews, things like that will help you, and Sponsored Product. Guys, I saw something yesterday that I’m following that item already for, for I think for years. So you guys, you can go and and look it up. It’s Revlon. One step hair dryer, something like that. The number one item on, on Amazon, it’s like clearly number one hair product. Wverybody have it, right? So this item, so if you go now to Walmart, you’re gonna see something amazing. You are gonna see that this page, the first page on Walmart that have this product, and people have this product in different styles or bundles or this product have different kind of variations to it. So there is the first page is packed with this product. And the total cells by Xray by Helium 10 is telling me that the last 30 days this product had $1.5 million sale. On Walmart compared to Amazon. The same product that is number one seller on Amazon only had half million dollar sales.

Carrie Miller:

Oh, wow. Yeah.


And you know what the most amazing thing that I could not believe that is that na the first page have all this products and none of them have sponsors product.

Carrie Miller:

Yeah, yeah.


Hearing the first page on the bottom and you do sponsor product, you can be on top of the page because there’s nobody’s advertising there. So things like that that I see every day in so many niche, people are not doing their listing correctly. They don’t advertise. There’s so much opportunity and there’s so much money. You can see this product making million and a half dollars a month. So there is money and there there is a lot of opportunity.

Carrie Miller:

Yeah. That’s amazing. Wow. yeah, I always get excited when I hear that kind of stuff because there’s just so much potential. And then I think also something that I’ve noticed when I’ve been doing some coaching calls with our Elite group members and I notice a lot of people when I go to their growth opportunities, they’re in the wrong product type. So can you talk a little bit about that and maybe how to know that you’re in the right product type or like how to deal with that?


Yes, very important. So when you go again, product category and subcategory and product type are two different things. You might be on the right category, but not on the right product type. So when you go to your growth opportunity listening tool score, and you stand on that product on top, it’s gonna say product type. And then you can see so it’s gonna kind of make sense to you that is the right type, or you can look at the competition and see what product type he’s at. But sometimes if you not in on the right product type, even the wrong category, subcategory you can not show up. So people search for you and you’re just not gonna show up. So I would say always check after you have listing on Walmart, check your category subcategory and check your product type. And everything that is related to that is very, very easy fix. It’s something that Walmart is very helpful. Just open a case and say, Hey, I’m on this prototype and I should be on that. And this is something usually the fix right away. And there is no issue. They don’t really argue with you or anything, especially if you’re the owner of the listing, they will just get it fixed for you and you should be good.

Carrie Miller:

Yeah, I noticed I had to change product type and they only had a few different listed product types you could switch to, and I chose one, but then they actually put me in a better one. So I don’t know if they must have somebody looking at them or I don’t know. But definitely, no, it’s not, it might take two or three days when you do it that way, but it definitely does work. So if someone’s struggling to get their product rank, what are some strategies they can implement to rank their products higher?


Yes. So I think the first thing is really make sure you have all the right keywords in your listing. So again, Helium 10 have the best tool for the keyword. So what I do, I would do, I would run two searches. I would run my first search. And again, this is the thing where we talked about when people copy paste things from Amazon to Walmart, you might done amazing research and you have the most amazing keywords, but that’s, that’s Amazon. Sometimes on Walmart there is a keyword that people use more than they use on Amazon, and we see it all the time. So run a search for your product and get all the keyword and you can see the volume. Again, the volume that you’re gonna see for Walmart is, it’s look tiny compared to Amazon. But if you get, I would say anything that is you wanna have couple of keywords in your description and title, they are high.


They’re like between a thousand to 5,000. It’s hard to find a lot of keyword. They’re like 10, 20, 30, there is, but in most items, if you can find couple, and in the end of the day, if you can find 10 good one and you stack them together, you are already gonna get, the 20-30-40K eh searches. So get the keywords. The second thing that I will do, I would go to your best competitor on Walmart and, and spy on him, go and take his item number, go to Cerebro, run his keyword. I’m amazed that some, I will always find one phrase or something that is not coming up on the regular search. So and again, and it’s a good opportunity for you to see what he’s ranking for and what he’s advertising for. And sometime you will see that that keyword that is really good, he’s actually paying to advertise for it because he’s not ranking organically for.


So now, to focus on that because then you can, get more traffic organically better than your competition. And then you don’t need to compete with him on the ad, you can compete on other keywords. So it’s really important to know your competition, know what they’re using. And that’s actually, that’s taken me to the second tip of that part is that if you wanna get rank better run ads, the ads is gonna help you get traffic. People gonna notice you gonna click on you, and after a while you’re gonna start ranking organically for that keyword. But it’s very important that those keywords gonna be relevant to your product and gonna be in your listing. Because even when you run ads and you choose all those keywords, Walmart not always gonna place you for that keyword because you, they don’t think you’re relevant because maybe you didn’t do your attribute right.


You don’t have that phrase in your listing. So the first step is have your listing really high quality, optimized with all your keywords, and then you will get better placement with ads. And then in that effect will create that, you will start having more organic traffic to those keywords as well. So I think this is really important when we trying to, rank someone. And the next thing is get traffic from outside. If you have email list, send your create a URLs that already have that keyword that you wanna be ranking for. So make sure you doing your URL correctly and given instructions so people can look for your item and actually click on that, not just go, don’t give somebody the link to your product. That’s not really gonna help a lot. So make sure people are, send traffic so people can find your product.


And click on that. If you have budget you can hire a company like Bazaarvoice to get you traffic and reviews. There’s a couple more companies out there that can help you with reviews. So again, that’s, that’s something you can do. There is this program that Walmart have that it’s amazing that they let you syndicate all your reviews from your website to your product. And I definitely recommend to do that. You can do it absolutely free if you do it yourself. You just, even just Google a Walmart review syndication and you will get to that page. It’s a Walmart page, you just need to fill up application. And they will send you a spreadsheet, you fill it out and you can sync your reviews and, and that’s amazing. But you cannot like, choose which reviews it’s have to be the good, the bad.


A lot of people they think, oh, now we gonna take our Amazon reviews to the website and, maybe it can do that, but it’s, it’s against the service, the term service of Amazon and Walmart. So I, I wouldn’t recommend to do that to hear your own website, just get, get some genuine reviews from your customer. But so I have a lot of customer, they’re like, oh, we have a thousand reviews on our listings and we still don’t get a lot of traffic. The reason why is because when it’s trying to rank is you want to have some fresh traffic, so the algorithm gonna start ranking you. If somebody come to your product page and you already have reviews, it’s gonna help you to sell to get more orders, but it’s not really gonna help you rank. So that’s something I wanna also mention because people think, oh yeah, we just gonna transfer all the reviews and we are gonna rank. Yeah, you’re not gonna rank <laugh>. You’re gonna you, you are gonna get potentially more sales, you can convert better, but get fresh traffic, fresh reviews definitely help.

Carrie Miller:

Yeah. Yeah. I feel like the verified reviews help your listing quality score better than the syndicated.


And remember the score, it’s, it’s, it’s amazing because the algorithm is like to pick all the product, they have high score. So if you work on your score, you are gonna be amazed on how better placement you’re starting to get. It’s really there for a reason. They don’t just submit it up or let’s score your listing. They made it for the algorithm. So the algorithm know which listing to display to the customers.

Carrie Miller:

Exactly. All right. So let me go in. I think there’s some questions from the audience, so let’s go ahead and take some of those questions. Are there any stocking limitations on Walmart?


You mean WFS like inventory? So far, none.

Carrie Miller:

I wish I would’ve thought about that because at Christmas time I actually ran out. I thought I had a lot of inventory in there and obviously during Christmas it, things sold much faster and we ran out and I think it, yeah, it kind of affected our pro seller because of in stock. So it’s a bummer and gotta make sure to keep it in stock, though you can always, it’s better to overstock, especially the holidays.


Yeah. One more thing I wanna say real quickly is that the listing score is very important if you’re trying to get the pro seller badge, because the biggest part of getting the pro seller badge is to have a high listing score. So they take the average of, of all your listings. So if you wanna get the pros, seller badge, and again, pro seller badge is the same thing. You get better placement so that you will get a higher placement than your competition if you do have that, or you will win the buy box if you have people competing with you. So the best tool you wanna invest in learning and spending time on is the listing tool. Gonna help you optimize your listing, get the pro seller badge, and yeah, I think that’s like so important. It’s like, goes together.

Carrie Miller:

Yeah. I saw my sales go increase quite a bit when I got the pro seller badge, and so I was really, really bummed out that it, I mean, just having the out of stock thing really is what effect, like it really brought my score way down. So I think it’s definitely important. Okay, here’s a question. Any software that can list our product from other stores to Walmart.


So if you go to Walmart they just released a tool recently, it’s all working by spreadsheet. So for example, if you have, if you go to Walmart and you click add items in bulk, they will give you different options. And one of them is to help you get your merchandise from a different marketplace to Walmart. So they’re really trying to help, all the sellers. Just remember, once you do that, the way you launch a product, it’s not gonna be optimized. So then you’re gonna have a lot of extra work. If you do that and you sync everything to a spreadsheet, take the time before you upload it and change titles, change everything that you can to make it unique and follow the guidelines. But there is definitely in Walmart itself, there is a tool to do that.

Carrie Miller:

All right. And Joe is asking, does Walmart have a promotional calendar available to sellers?


They actually do. So if you follow their newsletter and all their stuff they actually just posted yesterday, they have a baby event. If you have anything related to babies for you to participate in that, it’s very simple. You need to create tags like a reduced price or clearance, and those are absolutely free to do. And by the way, that’s another boost. That’s if you wanna have a boost in placement, use those, it’s gonna create a boost for you. And when Walmart running events, the algorithm pick all those items and place them in more placement, like in the event placement. So now if their main banner in the Walmart homepage is baby event, and then a customer click on that and you do have a baby product and you create reduced price, you will show up in there as well. So Walmart doing stuff like that all the time.


If you’re a brand and you’re selling for long time, you should check your account because sometime they will have inside your account under growth opportunity, they will have a promo event and then you just, they’re gonna give you dates and then when is the due date of you to create those tags. So again, it’s promo tags that when you go to on, on your inventory page, on the right on top, there is a update in bulk. So you go to update in bulk, and then you choose inventory, and then you choose price, and then you get, you’re gonna receive that spec sheet that is extremely simple to fill out. You just fill up your skew your price, your promo price, and your tag. It’s can be all clearance or reduced price and the date, from what date to what date you wanna run this promotion. And, and it’s absolutely free and the results are amazing from, those promises.

Carrie Miller:

Awesome. Okay. Does Walmart accept wholesale products? I mean, if we get approved to sell a bit from big companies, products are those just just one more accept that.


Yeah. Right now, I think the best thing about Walmart is that there is not too much gated brands. So you can almost sell, any brand that you want. And I have people in my groups that try to sell Legos and some Lego went through some not. They got this error that they need to get approved and they just went and they got Legos from They send the, the receipt and Walmart is gonna ask you a couple of questions, they answer it correctly, and they all got unge it for Legos. So you can get and get it for a lot of things right now. Okay. And there is nothing, there are really too many brands that are gated anyway or even category, you can say almost anything. I think maybe phone accessorize, maybe perfumes. There’s couple category you do need to get and get it to, but it’s very, it’s like a very, maybe like at least of like 10 like categories like that.

Carrie Miller:

All righty. Okay. someone’s asking about clients. I know you have some good success stories from clients, so do you wanna talk a little bit about some those?


Oh yeah, I do. I do actually. We just had a meeting with one of our clients last week and it was so exciting to see that they just started last year on Walmart, and they have, they’re manufacturers as well, so they have amazing product. They have we build amazing catalog for them. Again, everything we did from the beginning, we launched everything correctly. And the end of the year in, they just started like picking up in May the end of the year with 600 k. So. Oh wow. That’s amazing. I was, I was like, yeah, next year, you guys should definitely, you can, definitely get to a million, million and a half. So again, a lot of brands are making six figures right now a month. A lot of brands getting to seven figures, they got it in 2022. And many, many, because so many just started on Walmart in 2022. It’s gonna be a lot of seven figure sellers in 2023, I think.

Carrie Miller:

That’s amazing. That’s, wow. Really cool. All right, here’s another one. What are some mistakes that people do on Walmart?


Copy paste.

Carrie Miller:

That’s the biggest one for sure.


Another huge mistake people do, and you will get, you will lose your account. Like it will be terminated if you drop sheet from Amazon. That’s the one thing Walmart doesn’t like. They don’t want their customer get an Amazon box. So don’t do that. Don’t drop. If you do drop ship, do it correctly. Make sure you do it. you ship on time, you ship pass, you update tracking numbers. I had a lot of clients this year that even got suspended because they’re, they didn’t update the tracking on time and things like that. They get suspended. So Walmart will is very rarely that Walmart will suspend you, but if we suspend you, it’s like a warning. It’s not like the end. They just want you to create plan of action, submit it, and you will get your account back. But we saw a lot of that happening the last couple of months.

Carrie Miller:

Unless it’s shipping though. Cause those people got kicked off, they like haven’t gotten back on some people I know. Oh, yeah.


Yeah. That’s nice.

Carrie Miller:

Shipping mistakes or a no-no.


Yeah. So I think, yeah, don’t copy paste. Do your research. Know the guidelines. That’s really, I think, the biggest mistake people do. Yeah.

Carrie Miller:

Those are some good ones. Yeah, I think that copy paste one is so big because people were like, oh, I just put my stuff up on Walmart and why am I not selling? And it’s because literally they just put something up there and they didn’t do any PPC. They didn’t optimize and you would never do that on, on Amazon, which is funny that people do that for Walmart and they say, oh, I, Walmart’s not a good market. I’m not successful. Yeah, that’s because you didn’t put in any effort into it. Right?


Yeah. But there’s really a lot of signs behind that when, a lot of like a searching agent like Google or other, they know all this data from your Amazon listing. Now Walmart is trying to rank you on Google or place you on Google and things like that. So by the science of SEO, it’s have to be like a unique content for them to rank you or display you better. So there is really a lot. It’s like, we can go into a lot of details, but there is a lot behind why it’s have to be unique and optimized well because they are taking your products and they’re trying to get a lot of out like outside traffic from different places. So it’s have to be unique for Walmart.

Carrie Miller:

Yeah. Agreed. All right. We can take a few more questions cuz we think we’re running out of time here, but this has been great. What are the requirements to register as a seller on Walmart and does Walmart have a film fulfillment center? And so the second part we’ve answered, they do have WFS or Walmart Fulfillment services. So maybe you can answer the first one, first part.


so the requirement, I think their first requirement is that you have experience. So if you like completely new, you never did e-commerce and you applied to Walmart, you’re not gonna get an account. But if you come and you can show an Amazon store website you can get an account. Right now there is limitation on the countries that you can apply from. So right now you can do it can be a US company, a a Chinese company, Canada Company, UK company, that’s it. They are about to enroll a lot of countries this year. So stay stay 10 to that. It is gonna happen really, really soon. So, and then more sellers can come, but if you locate it in any country in the world, make sure you have LLC and company registered in the US you can apply.

Carrie Miller:

I also just wrote a blog recently that you can go find on as you click on our blog. And it shows the countries that you can apply from internationally so that should be a helpful guide in what you need as well. Yeah, okay. So is the CPC of Walmart lower than Amazon? If yes, then by how much?


I think yes, because there’s less competition. So I know people telling me on Amazon to pay like $5 a click on some stuff. Yeah, it’s, yeah. I never saw somebody pay $5 a click on Walmart. That’s, I think the highest might be maybe $2 on extremely competitive product. But in general, in most, you can do a lot of traffic from ads between, 20 to 50 cent per click. Yep. And again, as more as you spy on your competition using Cerebro. You can get better result on ads.

Carrie Miller:

Yeah. I actually had the product that I was selling that didn’t do as well on Amazon, it was like three to $5 to click depending on the keyword. And on Walmart it’s, they’re all less than a dollar, they’re around 75 cents. So hopefully that can help. And I think this is the last question cause I think we’re running out of time. Has Walmart introduced negative targeting? And the answer to that is no, but I have heard that it’s coming, so it’s a rumor maybe. So I don’t wanna spread rumors, but I have heard that it is coming this year at some point. So it has to.


Yeah, there’s gonna be a lot of changes. Like, if I look at Walmart six years ago and now it’s completely different platform. It’s so advanced, it’s really good. It’s, they’re really helping you get traffic, they’re really helping you get sales. The ads platform is amazing, is really getting really good results. Most of my clients have, better conversion rate, better tacos than Amazon on Walmart.

Carrie Miller:

Yeah. Yeah, I do too. Alright, so that’s the last question. So I wanna make sure that people can find you though. So before we go, can you let everyone know how they can contact you? Find you, I know you have a group just like let everyone know how to get in touch with.


So yeah, if you like to ask questions and wanna learn more, if you get stuck, we do have a Facebook group. It’s a free group. It’s called Selling on Walmart Marketplace. We have so much engagement in there, you post a question, there’s so many people gonna help you. There’s, I know that I have my best sellers and my best people that I was coaching there.. They’re helping and answering. So you really get like, really, there’s like amazing sellers. They know a lot about Walmart in there. I go live as well every two weeks so just go live and answering questions. So I’ll be happy if you join us. And I’m also the owner of eCom Creative Team. Our agency’s helping brand launch successfully on Walmart by optimizing PPC and anything we can help to make you successful on Walmart. So you can contact me at support at econ creative team or just visit our website. And you can contact us from there e-com creative So yeah, thank you, Carrie, so much for today.

Carrie Miller:

Thanks so much for coming on again and hopefully we’ll have you on again sometime again in the near future. So, cause I know everyone likes to ask you a lot of questions, so thanks so much for sharing all your knowledge and I hope you have a great rest of the day.



Carrie Miller:

Bye, everyone.

Bradley Sutton:

All right guys. Hope you enjoyed that episode. Don’t forget, if you wanna watch this live or be able to ask questions live or just, go in throughout the month and ask questions on Walmart. You don’t have to wait for this once-a-month episode. You can go into our Facebook group Winning with Walmart. So just go to And I’ll take you directly to our group where you can tag Carrie and she can answer any of your questions on selling on Walmart. Hope you guys enjoy this episode and we’ll see you in the next.

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