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#176 – How Better Amazon Inventory Management Can Save You $25,000

Creating a successful Amazon business requires hard work, patience, a determination to learn new things and a solid business plan. But, at the end of the day, it’s all about balancing your product costs, sales, and increasingly, making sure that you’ve got the right amount of inventory on hand.

That’s why, inventory management has quietly become one of the most important factors in an e-commerce business’ success. 

Today on the Serious Sellers Podcast, Helium 10’s Director of Training and Chief Brand Evangelist, Bradley Sutton talks about inventory management strategies that can save you thousands.

But, here’s the big news! In this episode, Bradley tells us all about the latest offering from Helium 10, Inventory Management tools.

Make sure to listen to this one.

In episode 176 of the Serious Sellers Podcast, Bradley discusses:

  • 01:45 – Running Out of Inventory – What’s the Problem?
  • 04:00 – Finding the Inventory “Sweet Spot”
  • 06:30 – Reorder Frequency and Interpreting Sales Data
  • 08:30 – Inventory Mismanagement Keeps You from Scaling Up
  • 10:45 – Does Intuition Work?
  • 11:00 – Any Excel Wizards Out There?
  • 14:00 – Forecasting Your Sales
  • 15:50 – Helium 10’s Forecasting Models
  • 18:00 – When to Reorder
  • 21:00 – How Helium 10’s Inventory Management Tool Works
  • 26:00 – How to Find Out More About Helium 10’s Inventory Management Tool

Enjoy this episode? Be sure to check out our previous episodes for even more content to propel you to Amazon FBA Seller success! And don’t forget to “Like” our Facebook page and subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, Google Play or wherever you listen to our podcast.

Want to absolutely start crushing it on Amazon? Here are few carefully curated resources to get you started:

  • Freedom Ticket: Taught by Amazon thought leader Kevin King, get A-Z Amazon strategies and techniques for establishing and solidifying your business.
  • Ultimate Resource Guide: Discover the best tools and services to help you dominate on Amazon.
  • Helium 10: 20+ software tools to boost your entire sales pipeline from product research to customer communication and Amazon refund automation. Make running a successful Amazon business easier with better data and insights. See what our customers have to say.
  • Helium 10 Chrome Extension: Verify your Amazon product idea and validate how lucrative it can be with over a dozen data metrics and profitability estimation. 
  • Trademarks are vital for protecting your Amazon brand from hijackers, and provides a streamlined process for helping you get one.


Bradley Sutton: On today’s episode, I’m going to show you guys inventory management strategies that if implemented correctly could mean thousands of dollars more in sales for you. How cool is that? Pretty cool, I think.

Bradley Sutton: Hello everybody, and welcome to another episode of the Serious Sellers Podcast by Helium 10, I am your host Bradley Sutton, and this is the show that’s a completely BS-free, unrehearsed organic conversation about serious strategies for serious sellers of any level in the e-commerce world. And today is going to be a little bit faster of a podcast, but I want to really dive deep into a topic that I haven’t really gone over too much before on the show and that’s inventory management, right? This is something that kind of hits close to home because I’ve just been kind of winging it on Project X. And as you guys know, I’m very transparent about this stuff what’s happened is a couple of times some of our coffin shelf and our egg tray goes out of stock. And so I’m assuming that you guys have had similar issues with inventory management.

Bradley Sutton: I really want to dive deep into some strategies on what you should be doing that you’re not doing now with inventory management. And of course talk about Helium 10’s new tool that helps with that. But today’s going to be strategy focused because again, we’re talking always about serious strategies for serious sellers out there, right? So first of all, just some personal anecdotes. Obviously, I’ve said a million times, my day job here is a podcast host. I’m the brand evangelist here at Helium 10. I’m director of training. And that’s 95% of my job. But a few hours a week, I try and dedicate myself to learning what’s working, what’s not working on Amazon. So, obviously I’m running multiple, multiple case studies. One of them being Project X and what’s happened is I don’t pay too close attention to the inventory. And I ran out of stock like two or three times now. Here’s why this is such a serious issue. Okay. If I was the only seller of coffin shelves, like we were last year, it wouldn’t be that big of an issue, right? Somebody searches for coffin shelf and they don’t find anything. They might not buy it. Or maybe they’ll go to Etsy. So, technically I lost that sale, but what happens is we’ve been selling like 20 to $25,000 a month of these coffin shelves. What happens now, now that there are other coffin shelves, if I go out of stock, what do you think is going to happen? Did somebody who type in coffin shelf and they don’t see the Manny’s mysterious oddities, coffin shelf? Are they going to be like, okay, you know what, it’s out of stock. I’m going to wait until this comes back in stock.

Bradley Sutton: No, they’re going to go buy another one that is in stock, right? So that sale I have lost permanently. All right. And in one month, if I’m averaging selling $25,000 worth of coffin shelves a month, guess what I have literally just lost $25,000 of gross sales that I’m never going to get back. Alright. Five thousand dollars of profit. I mean, that’s just like a full time job right there. I literally lost because I ran out of stock. This is very, very important stuff, guys. And this is something that only sells like 40, 30 to 40 units a day. Imagine if you have a product that sells more, imagine if you have a product that sells less, and you’re just starting off on Amazon, how critical it could be if you run out of stock. Now, conversely, what have you ordered too much stock, right?

Bradley Sutton: You misjudge how much you need, and then all of a sudden, you end up having stuff sit in Amazon for six months. Pallets and pallets of stuff or sitting in a warehouse for six months. You ordered way too many stuff and you’ve got 30 pallets worth of inventory. Now you might be like, Oh, well, storage at third party warehouses. And Amazon is actually not that expensive, but think if you’ve got 20 pallets or 30 pallets, even at the cheap price of $20 a pallet spot per month. Some warehouses charged that small, you’re talking $400 a month of just wasted money, all right. Wasted money that you have just sitting around because you order way too much. Amazon probably might even charge you more than $400 a month and it’s probably going to be more so it goes both ways.

Bradley Sutton: So, the secret of obviously inventory management is how do you find that sweet spot where you don’t run out of stock, but at the same time, you’re not ordering too much that you have to start paying somebody storage charges. So, let’s just dive into that. And really, if you think about it, inventory management is a process. It’s kind of like a circle, the circle of life, right? You got to have the forecasting that goes into the purchasing and then replenishing, getting inventory into Amazon. That’s after the purchasing, and then selling, and guess what it goes right back to the beginning of the circle of forecasting, right? So that’s kind of the flow that you run through the forecasting part, you’re monitoring your inventory levels, you’re estimating future sales, the purchasing part. What are you doing?

Bradley Sutton: You’re creating the PO, you’re placing that PO order with the supplier and then they ship it to you. Right? The next step is the replenishing– is the inbound FBA shipments. Okay. So whether it goes directly from your supplier to Amazon, or maybe it goes to you first, and then from you, your third party warehouse or your own house goes to Amazon, and then it’s live on Amazon and now you’re selling to customers. And then you go back to the beginning of that cycle. Now, the thing is that all parts of that cycle are constantly changing, right? Forecasting. That’s going to be changing. How much you order from your supplier, how long it takes, that’s going to change every orders usually. The replenishment process– how many of you guys have been having issues lately with normally it takes like three or four days to get things checked into Amazon, but now it’s taking three or four weeks sometimes. Right? And then of course, the number one volatile factor, there is the selling. Your sales– like, Hey, I sell 10 coffin shelves. Exactly. Every single day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, some days I’m selling 50. Some days, I’m selling 15. It goes all over the place right? Now, changes in one of those little parts of that circle there, it’s going to affect the rest of it. Right? Selling changes your forecasting. Forecasting is going to change your purchasing. Purchasing is going to change replenishing. Is that a reword? Yeah. Replenishment, replenishing, et cetera, et cetera. So, that’s about the challenges of inventory management guys. It’s not just about what to order, it’s about when to order. So what kind of problems are you guys facing these days? What are some of the issues?

Bradley Sutton: When I talk to Amazon sellers out there, things like last minute sales spikes, incorrectly interpreting historical data, not giving yourself time for reorder frequency. That that’s a thing too. Reorder frequency might be a new term to you, but how often you want to reorder. You don’t want to be ordering product every two weeks and shipping every two weeks. Maybe you want to order every month or every three months or every six months. Right. What other issues are there? Incorrectly interpreting the historical data. Maybe there is some sales spike, and it was because of a lightning deal that you didn’t even realize it was– you had done. And now you think, Oh no, no, no, my sales are going to be high. So you’re misinterpreting the sales data to forecast. Right? So that’s what is the problem about with what to order. Some of these things result in ordering too little, some of these things result in ordering too late. Some of these things result in ordering too much. All right. What about the problems with when to order, supply delays? What are the issues guys supply delays, incorrect lead times. That’s going to result in you ordering too late, too early. And those issues result in things such as increased costs. If you order too late, why is it cost more to ship? Well, sometimes you’re going to be like, Aw, man, I can’t run out of stock. I’ve got to order air shipping. Right? And then you order air shipping costs like three, four times as much as C shipping. And you’re costing yourself a lot of money. What happens when you run out of stock, alright, run out of stock? What happens to your ranking?

Bradley Sutton: All right. A lot of times your keyword ranking, you’re going to lose. And then even when you get back in his stock, it takes a little bit more umph to try and get back. Each of those times that I ran out of stock of the coffin shelves. I didn’t come back immediately to page one position one, like one time I forgot to close the listing. Right? One time I close a listing and on some keywords, I was, as soon as I got back, like on coffin shelf, I was page one position one. Other ones, all of a sudden I dropped down to the end of the first page. And I had to like do some promotion, like some heavy PPC and a search find buy campaign just to get back to the top of the page. So these are the things that happen if you do not keep a kind of a close hold or close lock on your inventory, right? The flip side of course happens. You order too much. Then you’ve got, guess what? You’ve got all your capital tied up in inventory. How do you expand on Amazon? How do you scale? It’s being able to take your proceeds and investing them back into more inventory, or to expand your product line, right? Well, all your capital is tied up in inventory that we call sleeping inventory. That’s money that you could have used to purchase another product and start scaling more. So, it really affects your bottom line guys. Now, let’s just talk for example, let’s say you have just one SKU. You’re a brand new seller, alright? Try and picture this in your head, you’re a brand new seller. Let’s say you’ve got 500 units in stock.

Bradley Sutton: And every day customers are ordering 10 units. We’ll just picture a graph that shows day one, day two, day three, et cetera. And your inventory is on that graph on day one, it’s 500, on day two, it’s 490, on day three, it’s 480, et cetera, et cetera. And it goes all the way down. Eventually it’s going to go down to zero, right? You’re going to run out of stock. But what if you have two different SKUs? What if you have four different SKUs? First of all, the date that all of them run out of stock is not the same. You’re not going to have five SKUs and you’re going to sell exactly 10 units a day, right? You might have started off with 500 units per skew, but maybe one skew is selling 10 a day, the other is one selling 30. Another one is selling five. So, now all of a sudden, your stock out date for all of these different SKUs are all over the place, right? What if you have 40 SKUs? If you have some variation or you’re just like a big baller, right? And you just have tons of different standalone products, right? Remember, these products, a lot of times have different suppliers. There’s different lead times. There’s different sell through rates. There’s different minimum order quantities and more. And all of these factors or a lot of them are changing every day. So it’s a big challenge. So what are Amazon sellers doing to try and solve this? All right. Option number one, this is the one I was talking about. Some people just use intuition and that was what kind of like what I was trying to do. I really wasn’t even paying attention too much to how much I was kept in stock.

Bradley Sutton: And I’m just like all what’s my gut feeling. Let me just roughly look at these numbers. Now, what’s the pros of that. All right. Well guess what? It’s free, right? I don’t have to pay anything to use my own intuition. What are the cons though? Hey, it’s impossible to manage your inventory like that. Especially if you have a lot of SKUs, it’s hard to stay updated with changes as well. So, what’s option two? Spreadsheets. How many of you guys are using spreadsheets? Excel, Google sheets, whatever? What’s the pros? Again, it’s free. You’re tracking this stuff yourself. Now, the cons though, your time isn’t free. It takes a lot of time, right? It’s hard to keep updated. Lots of manual entry, pulling reports from Amazon. It’s not end to end. You’re not tracking your POs necessarily in their inbound shipments or you’re not updating your quantities. And at the end of the day, how many of you guys are really just spreadsheet wizards, right? It’s not exactly ideal. Right? So, option number three is like you use a software tool. Well, the pros on that is okay, it’s more powerful. You get to stay up to date with changes from Amazon, but Hey, there’s cons too. Some are not end to end. You’ve got to do a lot of manual entry. Some are not flexible. It only gives you one type of forecasting, one type of lead time, some just use sales velocity, software just uses sales velocity as the only way to forecast. A lot of times inventory management software is super expensive. They charge you per marketplace, or give you limits on your ordering, et cetera. And some aren’t even integrated to Amazon, right?

Bradley Sutton: So again, these are the three main methods that people are using and each one has pros and cons. So with this in mind, that’s why we created the Helium 10 Inventory Management system. And that’s available in the Profits dashboard in your Helium 10 account, you could go into multiple marketplaces, USA. You can do Canada, you can do Mexico. We’re going to be expanding soon to Europe. It’s– the limits is by SKU. So, the platinum plan you can get– you can be monitoring 10 SKUs, but if you have diamond, or elite, it’s unlimited number of SKUs, we’re not like holding you down there. It keeps your quantities automatically up to date across the life cycle. So a lot of the problems that we talked about with these other methods, we’re trying to solve here in the Helium 10 Inventory Management.

Bradley Sutton: Let me just go in a little bit to talk about this and those of you again, who are already Helium 10 members, this is already live in your dashboard. Those of you who aren’t Helium 10 members, or don’t even plan to be. Totally fine. You’re going to be able to learn something from the rest of this episode, because I’m going to teach you guys some strategies on what you need to be working on. So, let’s just talk really quick about the forecasting and ordering framework. All right. So, let’s go back to that one example I gave of like one SKU, you’ve got 500 units in stock and at some point it’s going to run out, right? You don’t know exactly when, but you know, 500, as long as you’re selling, the 500 units will run out of stock. But that’s the thing you don’t know when. So how do you estimate the date of when you’re going to run out of stock on your inventory, you’ve got to figure out what your future sales are going to be. What is this known as, in terminology wise, forecasting, right? Alright. You forecast the weather. What’s the temperature going to be tomorrow? What’s the temperature going to be like next week? You’re forecasting your sales. All right. I’m selling this right now. Today is 75 degrees. Is it going to be cool next week? Or is it going to be hot? Are you still selling? You’re selling 10 units today. Are you still going to sell 10 units next week? Or are you going to sell 20? Are you going to sell five, right? Now, a lot of people are using a concept of sales velocity. Right? So, what does that mean? You take your total sales for the past seven days or 30 days. And then again, if this is all you can do, it’s at least something, right? So let’s say, you sold five one day 10, the next day, 20, the next day three, the next day, whatever it is. And over the last 30 days, it was a total of 1000 units, or let’s just say 900 units, 900 units you sold. Right. So then your sale, your monthly sales velocity is you’re selling 900 units per month. Okay. Or what is it? 30 per day. Average. If my math in my mind is correct. So a lot of models, what you can do it is you use that model, right? Okay. Hey, it’s 30 a day. So I want to forecast the next two months of sales.

Bradley Sutton: Hey, I’m going to sell approximately 1800 units. Does that make sense, guys? If your monthly velocity is 900 or 30 a day and you just forecast that out, that means like, Hey, 60 days from now, I will have sold 1800. So that’s better than your intuition, right? At least you have something to use, but that’s just a simple average, right? So, what we’re doing in our inventory management tools, we’re kind of leveling up this system of forecasting. We have these unique models, right? Advanced forecasting models. The first one I want to talk about is what’s called Helium 10 exponential. Now this is the default model and it is good for SKUs with less data points or unstable sales. The second kind of forecasting we have is Helium 10 additive. Right. You heard of some drinks that have no additives, no preservatives. Well, this is called additive. I didn’t name it guys. That was John RVP, but I’m sure there’s a technical reason why it’s called that. Right. That’s actually good for SKUs with longer sales history, like more than a year is a better understanding of trend and seasonality. All right. So, how does that work? All right. So, let’s say the coffin shelf. We’ve been selling that for not quite a year, but if we were selling for a couple of years, we now have that historical data that, Hey, maybe around Halloween, it sells a lot, maybe February, it sells low. So, with the additive model of forecasting, it’s taking a consideration this long history and not just saying, okay, it’s going to sell 900 units a month. It’s going to be like, wait a minute. This is October and November. It’s going to sell actually 1200 or 1300 because there’s a sales spike, or, Hey, it’s February. It’s not going to sell 900. It’s going to sell 300 because there’s always a big dip in sales. All right. So, that’s the kind of model you should use. The additive model. You can create your own model like this in your own Excel sheets. You don’t have to use Helium 10 for this, but we obviously just make it a little bit easier. All right. So for example, the Helium 10 exponential, you have sales are kind of increasing over the last couple of months. So, then exponentially, we’re going to forecast said, it might just keep going along that same trend. However, for additive, again, it’s taking into consideration the big dips and the different peaks and the seasonality of different products.

Bradley Sutton: When you have a lot of history, it could be even more accurate when you use that or model. So, how much data do we look at max in Helium 10 for that additive model? Well, what we’re doing is if you have connected your Amazon account to Profits, we’re going to use up to two years of your sales history to help forecast growth curves, seasonality, adjust for stock outs and more, right. So let’s just say we use one of those models. Now, we’ve come up with a forecast. We got to figure out what, and when we’re going to order. So, what are the two main inputs of what and when you order. One would be maybe lead time, right? What does lead time mean? That’s a time for manufacturing, paying freight, customs clearance, shipping to your end destination, processing, potential delays, et cetera, et cetera.

Bradley Sutton: So, basically from the time that you drop the PL to your supplier, how long does it take to go through all that stuff and actually get to you or get to Amazon? That’s a lead time. Some of you guys is 30 days, sometimes 60, sometimes 90. The other main input for forecasting is reorder frequency. This is the time between receiving your new inventory and placing your next order. You want breathing room. All right. So how often do you want to order? Do you all want to order every 30 days? Every 60 days? Alright. You want to put in some breathing room there so that you’re not like just depleting your inventory all the way down to zero. Okay. Now, you’ve got to really carefully consider your lead time, guys. This is something that Amazon sellers says nothing to do with Helium 10 guys. This is just some general Amazon knowledge here. Really make sure you have this, whether you’re a brand new seller and you’re making your first order, or you have a history of sales, you have got to ask your supplier what it’s going to be. If you don’t know it. And you’ve got to look at your historical data to see, because I’ve made that mistake and I’ve miscalculated how long it takes me to get something. And I run out of stock on Project X or something else, because I didn’t properly take into consideration the lead time. Right? How long has it hit your manufacturer? You say, Hey, supplier, if I drop you the PL today, when is it going to be ready to ship? Okay, great. All right. Now, how long is it going to take for you to get it on the boat? Oh, one week. Alright, cool. What’s the sea freight transit time? Oh, 13 days. All right. Cool. How long a clear customs. Okay, excellent. How long to get from the port after clears customs to my warehouse. Excellent. There you go. Now you’ve just considered or you’ve just calculated out your lead time. Okay. So, the lead time helps you figure out the when. All right. So, now let’s say you’ve been given a forecasted amount of sales, how you calculate it is you need to start from when you’re going to run out of stock. So, you use one of these models in order to forecast your sales. So you start from that day, you’re going to run out of stock and now you work your way backwards. Remember that that date is a future– that’s a future date. Alright, it’s a future date.

Bradley Sutton: You work your way backwards to get your reorder date. All right. So, you use that lead time. You use your reorder frequency, and now you subtract from when you’re going to run out of stock to know, Hey, I need to order by this date so that after all is said and done, all that lead time, and all that transit time is said and done by the time my order gets to me, it’s before I ran out of stock. Does that make sense? All right. So, combining with this reorder frequency, it helps you figure out what. All right guys? So, that’s everything I just said is just in general guys, this is just great rule of thumb to be using in your inventory management. But obviously, in the Helium 10 tool, you’re going to be able to do this kind of programmatically. But even if, like I said, once I’ve said it a million times, if you don’t have Helium 10, you still need to be doing this. All right. Now we’ve laid the groundwork for forecasting lead times, reorder frequency, right? That was the what and the when. We’ve talked about all the different cycles of the inventory forecasting, or inventory kind of process, right. From forecasting, purchasing, replenishment, selling, what about how does Helium 10 help with that? Well, guys, we’ve got it all like in the tool itself, all of those things I mentioned, you’re going to be able to get the forecast and you create your forecasting model. Which one you want to do, or you select it, I should say. And we’re going to tell you inside your profits dashboard, Hey, it’s time to go ahead and order more. Well, we have this new tab called restock suggestions right now in the Project X account, it’s telling me, Hey, I need to start ordering more egg trays.

Bradley Sutton: Alright. So, I need to go ahead and put that order. I’m able to keep my local inventory in my warehouse inside of Helium 10. So, let’s say I have a brand new product. And because of the inventory or the shipping restrictions from Amazon, it only allows you to do 200 or 300 units or so the rest of it, I got a store locally in my garage, in my warehouse behind my house like I do, or in a third party logistics warehouse, right? You’re going to be able to track that inventory as well within your Helium 10 dashboard. So it’s going to give you two different suggestions. If it’s taken to consideration all your inventory in Amazon and that’s in transit and that you’ve cut POs for and in your local inventory or your local warehouse, what’s on the way from your warehouse to Amazon, et cetera, et cetera.

Bradley Sutton: And it’s going to tell you, Hey, if you don’t have any enough to last you through how long you want to have a left in stock, it’s going to say, Hey, you need to order this amount right now, or, Hey, you know what? In about three weeks, you’re going to have to order this amount. We’re updating this every day so that you can get a heads up on what you need to order. All right, and you guys need to be doing this. Even if you’re not using Helium 10, that’s the way you probably should be. It should be working. So you’re going to see that. But if you’ve got the inventory or local warehouse and it’s running low on Amazon, we’re also going to give you transfer suggestions. Like, Hey, it’s about time to transfer some more boxes from your local warehouse to Amazon.

Bradley Sutton: Now, the beauty about this is you can actually do that within the tool. Within the tool itself, you can actually create the shipping plan inside of Helium 10 without even going to seller central. All right? So it tells you, Hey, you need to transfer 150 egg trays from your California warehouse, Bradley, to go to Amazon. You can actually create the shipment right there within Helium 10, right? To get started. That boggles my mind every time I say it, I can’t believe that we’re even able to do that, but you can do it right there. And then everything will be reflected again right in the tool suite. You’re going to be able to manage your suppliers. You don’t have to give– people are always worried. I don’t want to give Amazon my supplier information, don’t. We’re not sharing your supplier information with Amazon or anybody else.

Bradley Sutton: That’s just in your personal account, right there, upload your suppliers. And then you can put for each of them, all right, for this supplier, this is my lead time for this supplier. This is how long it takes them to ship. This supplier handles this SKU. This supplier handles that SKU. You can do all of that now within Helium 10, so that when it tells you, you need to reorder, you just go right there and you can cut the PO directly from your Helium 10 account. And then it will show as pending inventory. Once that PO is confirmed, you’re going to be able to show it as pending inventory in your inventory management software right here in Helium 10. Like I said, you’re going to be able to manage your local inventory. You’re going to be able to show when the purchase order has shipped.

Bradley Sutton: Guys, I can’t even lie. I’m at a loss for words here, just cause this is just ridiculous. I can’t even believe– if you’d have told me two years ago, when I first joined this company, that we were going to offer this kind of functionality at no extra charge to customers, I would have been like, you got to be kidding me. I don’t even know if this is possible, but all of these things that I’ve been mentioned are available right now within your Helium 10 tool. So guys start taking advantage of this right away. All right, guys, if you want to find out more about what this tool can do, there’s a page that we may just so you can kind of take a look at it, go to I know that’s a mouthful. I apologize. You can check out and find this podcast episode and get that link there. But again, it’s On our YouTube account, type in Inventory Management or something like that. You’ll see the replay of a live demonstration that John and I, John is the VP of product here at Helium 10. He’s been on the podcast before– that he did in order to give you guys a tutorial on how to use this, but you guys have this available right now. If you’re already a Helium 10 member. If you’re not, there’s a special that we have going on just for the next couple of weeks. So again, you guys might be listening to this episode, months later or something, right? You’re not going to be able to take advantage of this deal.

Bradley Sutton: But if you are listening to this episode before the end of September, we’ve got a special where you can get 25% off your first couple of months of either the diamond or the platinum plan. And for that go to, all right, inventory 25. Again, if you’re listening to this on October, do not try to go to that page. It probably will not work. At least you won’t be able to get that discount. Now, what plans have this? If you have a platinum plan, you’re going to be able to have access to it. You’re going to be able to connect two tokens. So you can even have it on two different seller central accounts, and you will be able to forecast up to 20 of your SKUs. You have more than 20 SKUs. I highly suggest using the Diamond plan, you have unlimited. All right, so you’re selling 500 different products. Boom, you got a diamond plan. We’ll give you forecasting on all 500, all 1000 all whatever number of products that you have, that you want to be able to have forecasting for. So, I highly suggest the Diamond plan guys take advantage of that offer. Or if you’re listening to this way later and you just want some kind of discount use our Serious Sellers Podcast discount, that’s SSP10, SSP10. And you’ll be able to get 10% off of any of the plans, other than Elite. All right, so you’ll be able to get 10% off Diamond, 10% are Platinum, but give this a try guys. I hope I’ve illustrated the value of properly managing your inventory, whether you’re using helium 10 or not, it can mean the difference of thousands of dollars of lost sales or of extra storage charges that you’re having to spend if you do not have a good grasp or control over your inventory. So, I know you guys are going to have a lot of great input. Once you start using this tool on what you’d like to see. Some people said, Hey, I want to see some QuickBooks integration. Some people have said, Hey, I want to see this. I want to see that, get those suggestions in guys, send it to [email protected] and you will be able to give us those suggestions. Now real quick, I just want to read a couple– there’s some, we’ve had some really good reviews lately on the podcast. So I just want to read some here on that we’ve gotten on Apple. Hannah Bello says, “learn from the best. Anything you need to know about solving the world of Amazon can be found on this very podcast.”

Bradley Sutton: Thank you so much for the kind words, guys. I want to read more of your reviews. So, please leave us reviews if you are listening to on Apple podcast, just on your podcast player, scroll to the bottom, give us a review. And I’ll give you a shout out on the podcast and to some people, regardless of what rating you give us, we’re going to pick some random people to maybe send some Helium 10 masks or some Helium 10 shirts, just to show appreciation to our different listeners. So, anyways guys, thank you so much for listening to this episode. If you have any questions at all, please reach out to Helium 10, or you can hit me up on my Instagram, which is H10 Bradley, H10 Bradley. See you guys on the next episode.


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Published in: Serious Sellers Podcast

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