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3, 2, 1… Adtomic! Helium 10’s New Amazon PPC Platform Goes Live

If you needed a reason to get excited about your Amazon business, today is your lucky day.

Over the last five years, Helium 10 has grown leaps and bounds, developing a comprehensive suite of e-commerce tools along the way. Our goal? To make Amazon keyword research, product research, listing optimization, and profit tracking both easy to learn and easy to master for every online seller. 

We hope the journey has been as lucrative for you as it has been exciting for us. But we’re not done yet. There is one more crucial component to Amazon selling that we thought deserved the “Helium 10 treatment” … Advertising.

Amazon PPC is the key to outperforming your competitors and growing profits through superior ranking. With that in mind, we’re proud to introduce the last Amazon advertising tool you’ll ever need: Adtomic.

Adtomic is the synthesis of Helium 10’s convenience and the processing power of innovative PPC software firm, Prestozon. This means you now have an Amazon PPC platform with big picture data and automation to save time, but also the ability to view and adjust the campaign metrics that affect your business the most.

With Adtomic, we want to give sellers a racecar that’s pre-built to win, but with the wrenches included to fine-tune their engine for every race. 

We look forward to showing you more of Adtomic over the coming weeks, but for now, let’s look at the “need-to-knows” about this exciting new addition to the Helium 10 family. And who better to ask than the architects of Adtomic themselves?

We’ve assembled the dream team of Adtomic experts from Helium 10 to shed some light on our most important tool yet.

Ryan Iyengar: Chief Revenue Officer

Christine Paulsen: VP of Marketing

Vince Montero: Sr. Product Marketing Manager – Ad Platform

Ben Aldern: VP of Ad Platform

First, why the name Adtomic?

Ryan: Adtomic represents the fusion between two great pieces of Amazon advertising software, Helium 10 ADS and Prestozon. The name symbolizes the great power of the software, similar to the elemental energy of fission or fusion, but also the deep level of control as represented by the atom, the smallest unit of matter.

If you were to distill the elements of Adtomic into three pillars, it would look like this:

  1. Explosive growth for your online business powered by accessible Amazon advertising.
  2. All-encompassing reach handled on your behalf by PPC automation and templates.
  3. Granular control enabled by custom rules and sophisticated algorithms.

I’m an existing Helium 10 ADS user and I’ve been really happy with it. Am I going to notice significant differences? 

Vince: The only significant differences will be found on the Ad Manager and Suggestions pages.

In the Ad Manager, we are very excited about launching our brand new campaign builder. Users will be able to create campaigns using templates that will guide them based on which specific stage their product is at. For example, if they are launching a brand new product, we have a template just for that. 

Also in the Ad Manager, the columns on the far right are getting an update to control how you set up rules for campaigns. We’ve expanded the rule capabilities and also created a multi-step process similar to the campaign builder.

On the Suggestions page, users will notice our timestamp for the page has been replaced with a column that shows when each keyword was added as a suggestion. This not only helps users get a clearer reference point for each keyword but also notates that our previous 72-hour window for unused suggestions has now been reduced.

Late last year, Helium 10 and Prestozon joined forces to make sellers fluent (and competitive) within the world of Amazon PPC. What does the addition of Prestozon mean for Helium 10… and by extension, its users?

Ben: Prestozon has a history of being first to market with important core features – sophisticated analytics, bid automation, keyword harvest rules and automation, and an easy-to-use campaign builder.

Prestozon also pioneered Search Term Isolation, which is now an industry-standard best practice.

With Adtomic, we intend to use the knowledge and expertise we gained through processing billions of dollars of advertising spend across hundreds of millions of keywords. We want to deliver cutting-edge software that helps e-commerce sellers get started off on the right foot. This goes both for those new to PPC and those who wish to implement their advanced strategies if they’re already a seasoned expert. 

Advertising on Amazon is no longer optional for success, it’s a must-have for sellers at any level. Can you speak to the evolution of Amazon PPC and how Adtomic meets today’s advertising challenges for online business owners of all experience levels?

Ben: When we first launched Prestozon, Amazon PPC could still be managed through a few Excel worksheets. We knew that wouldn’t be the case for long and that more advanced tools were necessary. Tools that automated the work so that you didn’t have to spend your time keeping pace with the PPC market. 

We’ve come a long way since then, but the fundamentals are the same. You need to be advertising your products, and to do that you need to structure your account properly. 

That’s where the campaign builder comes in. 

Messy accounts never perform well. Once you’ve got the basics down, you need tools that let you tweak your strategies around targeting and bid automation. Adtomic’s target rules engine is the most flexible available and we’re launching two new bidding algorithms (Max Impressions and Max Orders) that help you launch or liquidate your products depending on their lifecycle stage. 

What are you most excited for sellers to experience when they give the Adtomic platform a try for the first time?

Ben: If a seller isn’t advertising yet, I think they should start with the Campaign Builder.

Go with the Basic Builder if you want the most cost-efficient way to start advertising and the Guided Builder if you want some more flexibility and advanced options.

If a seller already has ads running, check out the Analytics pages. You’ll be surprised at what you can find, especially on the Search Term Level tab with the Keywords Breakdown enabled.

Combined with Helium 10’s other tools, Adtomic is a huge step towards a complete “all-in-one” Amazon seller tools platform. What are your hopes for the future of Amazon advertising capabilities within Helium 10? 

Ben: Sellers should be able to manage their advertising in the context of their whole business. Great advertising needs great listings to work and great products need great advertising to be competitive, so it’s a positive feedback loop. 

The more optimized a seller can make the rest of their business with Helium 10, the better their advertising will work. And the better their ads work, the faster their business will grow. There’s a lot of potential to integrate advertising deeply into what’s happening with the rest of the business and that’s what we aim to do.

What about those who are new to advertising on Amazon? Is there a way that Adtomic can “teach” Amazon sellers to use PPC?

Vince: One of the main things we are known for here at Helium 10 is our training, so absolutely.

On each page of Adtomic there is a learn button to the right of each page title. Users can go there to review both basic and in-depth Pro Training videos to learn the ins and outs of Adtomic.

But learning about PPC, in general, is best served through our live PPC training sessions. We have bi-weekly AMA’s (Ask Me Anythings) where we focus on new features of Adtomic as well as updates with PPC in general. Feel free to tune in and ask any questions you may have! These AMA’s are also recorded and available on our YouTube channel.

For users brand new to PPC, they can also watch our modules in Freedom Ticket that are focused on the basics of PPC and cover creating those first few campaigns. Once the foundation of PPC is understood, using Adtomic will be a piece of cake to navigate.

Which Helium 10 plans are Adtomic available on? What if I just want to try it?

Christine: Adtomic’s full functionality is available on our Diamond and Elite plans, which is another great thing about Adtomic. It’s available to our users at no extra charge, whereas many other PPC platforms have minimum usage fees.

For our users that want a sneak peek at Adtomic, our Platinum plan offers limited views of two account-level sections of Adtomic, the Dashboard, and the Analytics page. But the full Adtomic experience and power are unlocked in our Diamond and Elite plans.  

Are there any specials or discounts for those who want to try Adtomic? 

Christine: Adtomic is available on our Diamond and Elite plans – and don’t forget about the Helium 10’s 7-day money-back guarantee. So, if you don’t love it (and we think you will!), you can get fully refunded in your first 7 days.

We look forward to showcasing more of Adtomic in the coming weeks and truly believe this will be a huge addition for Amazon sellers of every experience level. 

What are you waiting for? Start exploring Adtomic!


The Helium 10 Software Suite will allow you to gain an unfair advantage over your competitors as it was designed and battle-tested by Amazon's top sellers. So if you want more sales, more time, lower PPC costs, and if you want to discover hidden keywords your competitors don’t use then start using Helium 10 -- the same tools top Amazon sellers use on a daily basis.

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